Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rick Scott pushing his Education Plan

Rick Scott visits Tampa to push his education plan

"Last year, the House killed his initiative to leave local property tax rates stable, allowing school districts to collect increased revenue stemming from rising values. Scott has again recommended the same idea to bolster his spending goal, and House leaders have reiterated their opposition"
Read about it...

Also read about-- Scott pitches 12 billion Budget...


  1. They need a governor who respects and cares more about education in FL and do more to support students and teachers. Teacher/professor pay in FL is one of the lowest among other states in the USA. They do not value education here and they need to almost double pay for educators. So many are leaving FL and so few are now not going into teaching at all, we do not have enough teachers for our schools and students, who wants to be a teacher anymore? FL and this governor needs to do more!

  2. Remember, Florida does not have a state income tax. Next, we have a huge population of illegal immigrants who don't speak English with tons of kids whose English is challenged. We are spending tax dollars educating them,not to mention the fee government hand-outs. Impossible task. Is it fair?

  3. The teachers themselves have only a rudimentary education. Teaching is only a small part of the job. The real challenge is to make children want to learn. Most of the successful children/young adult books are about fantastical creatures who don't exist. Why not reintroduce the great adventure stories; stories that make kids want to embark on interesting careers. What benefit is there in the mythical creatures they admire today. It's a drug.
