Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Pissant just fired another missile

It flew 2,800 miles into the sky. It appeared to land in waters in which Japan claims special exploration rights. What will President Trump do now?


  1. he needs something fired right up his AZZ!

  2. Yes, let's send our sons and daughters over there to first President Trump can have his war just like the past 12 or do USA presidents have. What happened to making America Great Again and stopping our global agenda? Can't Japan and South Korea take the lead on this, haven't we done enough, we stopped the wrath of communism from overtaking the peninsula time to step aside and let our allies deal with this "threat"! Enough with the saber rattling!

  3. This is where Democrats don't understand Trump on this or any position. You go around making stuff up. He does NOT want a war. He is NOT provoking one--Kim Jong un is. He will continue with more sanctions. The ones in place are heavy but then you liberals will cry that Trump is starving the North Korean children. Let President Trump lead on this one--he is doing the right thing. Did you see how close that missile landed near Japan? We have a Mutual Security Treaty with Japan and we will help our allies. We laid out of World War II until Japan bombed Pearl harbor...then the world saw our resolve. Do you want Kim Jong un to bomb us first?

  4. Eyes on the olive branch but arrows at the ready.

  5. Trump has surrounded himself with some of the finest the country has to offer. Take for example Mattis; Kelly; and Tillerson. He has insulted all of them publicly, as well as treated his wife shabbily in public. The man is not going to win the election in 2020, so you might as well enjoy your slavish devotion to him while you can.

  6. Trump doesn't insult anyone FIRST. They have to be on the same page as the President and many times Tillerson has not been. How does he treat his wife shabbily?
    He'll win again especially if he can pass the budget and then come in with a good healthcare plan. The market is soaring and the personal wealth of hundreds of thousands of Americans is way up.

  7. There's a significant difference between wealth and income. Many if not most working people never accumulate wealth, and therefore have no way of growing it. Earned income, that is what you receive for working at a job, has not increased for decades.

  8. Hopefully, the President's tax plan will help that. That's the goal.
