Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Trump on Guns and Hillary

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Hillary said that guns don't keep you safe. If she really believes that she should demand that her heavily armed bodyguards quickly disarm!


  1. So "guns don't kill people" but they do make them safer.

    Got it.

  2. Where did that quote come from--your own mind? I am not going to get into your argument, faulty as it is. Obama continues to undermine the 2nd Amendment and now with an upcoming executive order. If this really was the will of the people, he would let it go through Congress instead of ruling by fiat.

  3. I am much safer with my gun in my house. I will use it to kill an intruder. And when the cops ask me who shot him I will not say the gun did it! I will say *I* Killed Him!!!

  4. Guns would have been handy in Germany during the attacks on women New Years Eve, and solve some problems caused by Angela Merkel.
