Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Taking advantage in Lake Worth

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We have so much crap going on in our city. Now it's someone using a residential street to sell cars. I haven't done the Mess of the Week in a long time but what I have found, the former 'messes of the week' that have been featured here are STILL messes and no sooner are they coded, they do the same thing over and over again. Perhaps we need to get tougher with stiffer penalties.

This is the latest that I saw yesterday...someone making our city street a used car for sale lot. Should these people be allowed to get away with this behavior? I have lived in various parts of the country in my lifetime and I have never seen the disrespect that we have going on here. Until we clean up the slum and blight and the crime, you just might as well kiss the city goodbye because no matter what you do, you can't hide from the reality.


  1. i had to go thru Oakland Ca last week.....your picture surprised me. I thought you might have been to Oakland too. By the looks of that street the cars seem to fit right in with their surroundings.

    Im not trying to be a wise ass but......if i wanted to sell my own 2 cars and I put "for sale" signs on them (like lots of people do) and parked them in front of my house would that be OK? Or are the commercial $$ signs the problem.

  2. The issue is that they are using a city owned street to conduct their business. An owner selling his car could have it parked in his own driveway. Not sure the code on multiple cars as this could border on operating a business and then that opens up a whole lot of problems.

  3. Your friend who agreesJanuary 5, 2016 at 1:13 PM

    It is anything goes here in Lake Worth and the reason being is that the city leaders/admin and police here do not enforce any laws. New Years eve fireworks explosions all over our city, it is a lawless out of control almost another country world here we live in. The police just are not present nor enforce laws here, codes is obsolete, our leaders and city management is some of the worst. Until the police and people in charge here DO SOMETHING, things are not going to get any better Lynn. I am fed up with the lawlessness too right there with you, but what can we do, just harp on it and stay on their asses? Vote? What else is there? I am right there with you Lynn, stay on their asses, just be careful, I am so afraid to make any waves lately, you never know who can come after you and do something to you, the world has become a crazy place.

  4. There's a used car lot on that corner on Dixie. They are always moving cars in and out, I've never seen a car there overnight, no big deal.

  5. Nothing's ever a big deal in this town is it? maybe that's why it looks the way it does.

  6. 2:20, while you were taking creapy pictures did you happen to look around the neighborhood, it's quite nice. So once again, it's the location of a car sales lot, no cars are sold in the street, move along no story here!

  7. They are parked there on a city street with "for sale" signs. They are showcasing their inventory by using public property. So, Mr. Creepy, who still can't spell the word, check with code on this. Thanks for taking such an interest in our city. And go beat up your dog. :)

  8. 2:20 You think this neighborhood is quite nice?? Where do you live and do you know the definition of the word nice? This neighborhood looks like a ghetto ! Until we have leadership in the city that concentrates on our real issue and not the pipe dreams of Scott Maxwell ,we will continue to be a dump that most people do not want to bring their families to.

  9. You want a dump you wouldn't want to bring your families to, just vote in some of the challengers to the incumbents. Especially the anarchist dude running against Maxwell.

  10. Did anyone take notice that tonight none of the candidates that are running against the accumbens were even present for the commission meeting.

    Hmmm... Inquiring minds want to know why

  11. Actually, I didn't notice...the room was inundated with developer hos.

  12. Code is non existent in this City. Crime, slum and blight and none of our leadership do a thing about it.
