Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Merkle made a Mess

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Angela Merkle, the liberal New York Times mgazine's Woman of the Year, sure made a mess in her country. "Germany, which accepted over 1 million refugees in 2015, now faces the herculean task of trying to force its new population to respect Western values." Lots of luck to that.

1,000 migrants rape, steal and brawl in Germany


  1. "Have to help them adapt to their new culture" how naive liberals are to think a pamphlet will negate ions of inbreeding. Simple solution: they stay in the middle east, in new towns they work to build.

  2. I think you mean Angela?
    The world has become smaller and now we need to show tolerance and empathy for others. Many like the Guatemalans and Central Americans come here as refugees because there is no work for them, they are constantly discriminated against, and their governments are so corrupt, that is what drives them to come here, it is all so sad the entire issue of people and why they need to leave their home land to come here. Compassion and acceptance is important to keep in mind too. It is not easy. I saw a Muslim lady in the in my gym today, all covered up and only showing he face trying to do exercise, it must be hard for her and then everyone steers at her, how hard it must be to come to this country and try to fit in or be treated like she is in our gym. It is all such a hard thing to struggle with. Love is the only important thing we all need to keep in mind for each other.

  3. Thanks, that's exactly what I meant. Angela.

  4. At 1:20pm how many illegals to you take care of at your own house? If its zero then don't preach.

  5. Watch your back at that gym.
