Monday, March 17, 2014

Russia could turn America into radioactive ash

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One of Russia's State Television's top anchors and chief propagandist, Dmitry Kiselyov, just said, "Russia is the only country in the world realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash." So, by simply making the statement that he did, we know that it had to have been sanctioned by Putin himself.

Kiselyov believes that the U.S. is living in fear of Russia and Putin. He promoted total destruction or complete obliteration of the United States on his show even graphically showing missiles headed our way. Read about it...


  1. Russia is a mosquito that thinks it was once a lion.

  2. Russia is number 2 in the world for military capabilities. We are number 1 and can't win a war. How can you say they are a "mosquito"? They are very dangerous.
