Tuesday, March 18, 2014

In-State Tuition for Illegals

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New York State just  failed to pass a measure of allowing in-state tuition for illegal immigrants despite a vote of 30 in favor and 29 opposed. It required 32 votes to pass and NY has a Democrat for governor, Andrew M. Cuomo, who was against it. Read the New York Times.

Then we have governor Rick Scott who is for in-state tuition for children who he believes should not be punished for the "mistakes" of their parents who crossed into Florida and this country illegally. He has vetoed this in the past but now it is election year--clumsy pandering. His opponent, Republican turned Democrat, Charlies Crist, is all for it too.

Fifteen states offer state financial aid to undocumented students, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.


  1. GREAT ! Now my AMERICAN citizen daughter has to compete with criminals for the already limited spaces in our state schools?

  2. This article put it best: we have career politicians who will do anything--including selling out our Country to a bunch of ILLEGALS--to get re-elected. We, the American voters can and must put an end to this stupidity by getting rid of every single incumbent career politician we can, starting in November. There is not a single one worth keeping and the ongoing threat of Amnesty for illegals is just one more reason to break that good old boy network before it breaks the Country and middle class.
