Monday, March 17, 2014

Democracy in "In-Action"

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Tomorrow night the Minutes from the March 4 commission meeting are up for approval by the commission. This was the meeting regarding John Prince Park as a site for a Spring Training baseball stadium.

Mary Lindsey said she was proud of those neighborhood associations who received over $23,000 in grant funds and announced the Neighborhood Association Presidents’ Council unanimously voted in support of a major league baseball training camp at John Prince Park.

As there has been some controversial scuttlebutt promulgated by the "friends" of John Prince Park as to what the president of the Neighborhood Association Council actually said, I would imagine that the commission will approve these Minutes as they have been politically working behind the scenes to facilitate this idea, never once calling the President of ROLOH who is against it.

Commissioner McVoy suggested an amendment to Resolution No. 10-2014 to add language that the City would seek the support of the surrounding communities and that their concerns would be considered. This too was ignored by the rest of the Commission.

This is a fine example of elected officials and their failed democratic representation. It keeps happening in Lake Worth. I just received an anonymous comment this morning that told me to get used to it...they would be in office for as long as they want to be and doing exactly what they want to do.


  1. Sounds like it could be g. rice Lynn. He is infamous for doing what he wants like illegal banners or keeping up is boarded up, roof caving in, deplorable blight on the westside at the 1300 block of Lucerne. Must be nice to be rich and famous and get away with anything in this city, even contributing to blight and crime like he does forcing the rest of us to have to live next to this dump.

    "I just received an anonymous comment this morning that told me to get used to it...they would be in office for as long as they want to be and doing exactly what they want to do. "

  2. I think not.
    Greg Rice gives his point of view and usually debates an issue rather than just sounding arrogant or nasty.

  3. Your post is very one sided. While you mention she announced the unanimous vote of the NAPC (which they did) you fail to acknowledge that she did not mention John Prince Park when she addressed the County Commission after she found out ROLOH members chastised their president for voting FOR the support.

    You could be fair AND balanced. Or you can just report the one side and leave the rest for people to think what you lead them to think. Sad.

  4. Are you suggesting that they NOT approve the minutes?

  5. of course not--I am pointing out how lame this conversation was and that this majority commission ignored an intelligent request. I probably wasn't clear enough there.

  6. 5:07 above-
    I was talking about the LW meeting and the Minutes from that meeting. that was what this blog was about.

    Point of Order, no one "chastised" the president of ROLOH.

  7. People don't want to be attacked by Wes and his band. It is awful what he does to people. He's taken lessons from the old Lakeworthtalk site that lambasted Mother Teresa.

  8. P.S. Other than Easton and that group.
