Monday, March 17, 2014

The Cart before the Horse?

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While potholes remain on our city streets,  the city poured two inches of asphalt on this alleyway in preparation to allow adjacent restaurants to use the area for dining and...

it has also encased the bollards in asphalt so that they are permanent and never can be moved. Although city staff has essentially closed this alley, and I have been told that CJ's will be applying for a permit for its use, nothing has come before the city commission for approval.  Is this just another decision being made out of the Sunshine...

and more "give-aways" of our public rights of way? I was told that we are trying to look more like Clematis Street or Delray.  Perhaps it has a lot to do with a commissioner owning a business in our downtown.

Photograph by Roving Photographer


  1. What a sad state of affairs in this town when people don't care what's going on around them. how did we sink so low?

  2. We are as good as our leadership, not only locally but nationally. I wouldn't be surprised that some are ham-strung in our city and go with the flow. Sometimes if you disagree with the boss, you get fired. Isn't that what happened when Stanton got new bosses? This commission has turned over some of its authority to the CM.

  3. I'm glad we are so rich that we can give away city property left and right and then improve it for our new maybe tenants. Simply ridiculous. Whether or not you think the city should or should not give away our city owned land, I think everyone should agree that it should be sold or leased at top dollar and only after proper consideration, etc.

  4. The city can afford to do this in an ally way, yet on the other side of Dixie between Lake and Lucerne we cannot even get sidewalks on the streets between Lake and Lucerne on C, D and E Streets and people have to walk in the road affecting walkers, drivers, and all living in this area and our safety here. It is sad and disappointing that our leaders do no care about us on the west side or our safety. Mayor, Scott, Chris where is your support for the westside and all the blight?

  5. Did anyone thing that maybe, just maybe the City is doing this to keep businesses in our Downtown because of all the D.O.T. Regulations about side walk seating? Now if we could do something about the illegal Valet in front of Callaro's and the Playhouse I would pleased.

  6. Yes, anonymous above--I have mentioned that before. However there is a legal process that is being ignored.
    I also agree with you on the valet at Callaro's. I want to add in one more thing--some of the restaurants that have never come before the commission on 2-COP licenses that are now serving.
