Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lake Worth Chronicles - A Parody - Part II

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Our garbage could make us a wealthy city-
Now that's turning a negative into a positive!

Windy-Runt: Since the Lake Worthless Herald went belly up, there’s no way to get the latest gossip. Why don’t you start writing your blog again, Les?

Les Lackman: I don't have anything to write about since Andershine left town. Without Andershine, there is no blog.

Windy-Runt: Anyway, we’re stuck in Lake Worthless. I hate to admit it, but we all would have starved to death if it hadn’t been for Carrot Jennings and her boyfriend Pantyslokesxyzqrszzyxx starting the Lake Worthless Community Garden. After twenty years of Obummer the Dictator...

Les Lackman: ALL HAIL OBUMMER! Be careful about what you say. There might be some rogue drones left.

Windy-Runt and Les Lackman continue their aimless wanderings down Lake Worthless main Street. Uncollected garbage is piled up on both sides. They decide to go down to the fish house on the Intracoastal, run by Hermit Robertson. Suddenly, a pile of garbage near Windy-Runt starts to move! Windy-Runt: Oh my God! That’s not a pile of garbage! It’s Bark Eastmens, the ex-editor of the now defunct Lake Worthless Herald!

Les Lackman: He’s gone crazy and turned violent! Run!

Les Lackman and Windy-Runt run for their lives, but Bark Eastmens, fueled by insane rage, begins to overtake them. Out of nowhere, Glug Riceball and his Segway taxi swoops in and delivers Les Lackman and Windy-Runt from danger. Glug Riceball is one of the few remaining businessmen left in Lake Worthless. His Segway Taxi Service took off after gasoline became unaffordable for the average person and before the visionaries acted on Andershine's idea of turning all our garbage into fuel.

Glug Riceball:  Eastmens out of control. He used to be satisfied with chasing Pelicans down by the docks. Earlier today he took a bite out of some poor guy’s leg. I’m going to have to call Lake Worthless top cop, Rolaround Silver. Since Lake Worthless was awarded a national graffiti painting grant from the Andershine Foundation last month, Silver is going to be able to put more cops on the street.

Windy-Runt: He must be Lake Worthless' oldest cop by now.

Les Lackmen: And he’s still Lake Worthless' FINEST cop, if you know what I mean !


  1. LMAO !!! Please tell me there's a part three. And I agree with "Les Lackman" about "Rolaround" !

  2. Why in the world are you making fun of Annamaria, what is wrong with you?

  3. I believe it is supposed to be a parody featuring Lake Worth bloggers and other characters. Smile. It's a whole lot nicer than the Bully's.

  4. 12:29, so this turns you on. You need serious in patient help.

  5. Anon at 1:19 - Ask Anna Marie. She knows. And her parody name COULD have been MUCH WORSE. Trust me on this !Love and kisses,,,,

  6. If todays parody offends you, don't read tomorrow's. Your innocent eyes might go blind !!! LOL!!!!

  7. I can not believe you are allowing this to be on your blog, the way you act with commissioner Maxwell, hugging in the hall, being friendly, and cordial, in Chambers (I guess that is all a Farce.) And you winning Powerball LOL you are two cheap to play the Lotto. TELL THE TRUTH.

  8. Oh hi LS or is it MP?--
    You have No idea whether or not I am cheap. And it is TOO cheap, not two.
    Next, I am too smart to waste my money gambling. Actually, in some strange way, I like Scott...just don't agree with his local politics.

  9. I heard from a good source that the dirty water came from the 200 block of Columbia Drive. They hadn't flushed it.
