Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lake Worth officials in Full Speed Mode on Infrastructure Plan

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Last night's meeting, as it turned out, was not the most important meeting for Lake Worth in its history so it didn't matter that only about 18 people from the public were there--they did not vote on a plan to spend your money... but it's coming. The mayor said that it would cost all of us. In fact, the city manager who seems to be great guns and full speed ahead for either one of the plans, (5 year or 7 year) reminded the commission at the end of the meeting that in order to get it on the ballot, they must have the legal language question into the Supervisor by June 20, 2014. The Primary Election is August 26th with the General Election on November 4. They are so anxious to get hold of this money and start this project that they can't wait until March, the month that was just voted in for elections in Lake Worth. The Supervisor of Elections says that there will be a cost to this and they will get back to me.

As mentioned, it is a super expensive endeavor. Lots of people will be making lots of money and about 36% of the residents will be paying for it.  Those with properties valued at $50,000 or less will not be affected. Throwing in the Park of Commerce and asking taxpayers to pay for infrastructure to attract developers is impetuous. Developers should be paying for their own infrastructure.

Of course, Scott Maxwell would disagree as he even suggested borrowing against the beach saying that the Park of Commerce is more important than the beach and again stating that the beach finance plan was a sham.  Former Finance Director Steve Carr was in the room who had approved of the very Plan he dissed. It's going to cost now over $17 million at the Park of Commerce if they do everything Maxwell wants, money that would take multi-decades to ever possibly recapture in ad valorem taxes. You have to wonder what it's really all about.

They mentioned one water option where all the 2" pipes in the city must be replaced with 4" hard PVC and how to pay for the replacement of the 2 inch water lines in the city, mostly laid in College Park . 1) water increase of 15% 2) special assessments costing $25 to $55 a month 3) a General obligation bond with an additional 0.7 mills or $1 to $9 a month 4) a GO bond stays 3.07 mils and use the $6.8 million we have available.

As someone stated to me, they would have serious questions about LW's ability to manage any further attempts to borrow funds to finance any projects. The city has demonstrated a complete inability to manage any project with responsibility and accountability. I refer to the electric utility bond of 2004--I have asked and have never received a detailed accounting of the dollars spent. Why not? The answer is apparent--they don't know where in heck it went.

We have so much debt still on the books: $76.4 mil according to the current budget.

$56.7 on the utility upgrade…and how’s that going?
$3.5 million on the Gateways still owed. $87 million or so in unfunded pension liability—how many millions is that? A heck of a lot for a city that is generating less than $6 million a year in ad-valorem. And we can't forget that public safety takes 2/3rds of our operating revenue.

This should be strongly opposed until the city can demonstrate the ability to function responsibly with taxpayer money. The city just took $12.5 million from unrestricted reserves. History is repeating itself and nothing has changed (just less transparency) to indicate the ability to make this project successful. The city "lost" 6 to 8  million dollars just a few years ago and no one can find the money and now they want taxpayers living in a poor city to essentially rebuild the infrastructure from scratch in a 100 year old city.

Most of the commission does not worry about credibility as they are the new leaders. This 2020 Plan was strategized and well thought out to discuss immediately after the March election as it could have been a killer. Just think how lucky they all have been with no opponents and not having to run on their platform of spending a possible $82,206,131.00.

This 2020 Plan which is now a 2021 plan, as they upped it by one more year, is their legacy. They now have to quickly convince the voters to go along and part with their cash.

Water quality comparisons. College Park sample on right.


  1. The water samples are a riot. Looks like it came from a Columbia Drive toilet.

  2. They are going to utilize the reserves. What happens if we have a major hurricane this year? Is our ability to clean-up in jeopardy>

  3. Perhaps it's time to drug test ALL the Dais! I know for sure one of them are on 'happy pills'! "Do as I say; not as I do", would be really funny if they weren't serious! Finance the POC w/the Casino? We didn't pay back OURSELVES the 1st years interest, no?

  4. Ms. Squires states that, I know for sure one of them are on 'happy pills'!

    How can you post such nonsense?

  5. If she had used a name, it would not have been posted. Look, public figures are fair game.

  6. These j#$%^ on the dais must be high. I'm going to give these c#$%^& more of my hard earned money to piss away ? NO WAY !!!

  7. "This should be strongly opposed until the city can demonstrate the ability to function responsibly with taxpayer money."

    This is a funny comment seeing that you wish to keep them from getting money to prove they can handle it responsibly.

    You should go back to your PBSO taking up over half the budget argument. That one has merit but again you offer no solutions. Only criticisms.

    The infrastructure has been sadly neglected for decades. This commission is taking it seriously and you want them to neglect it further?

    Oh, no, that's right, you want them to address it. You just don't want to pay for it.

    As far as the POC is concerned, how can you expect "evil developers" to put in their own infrastructure if the city doesn't provide them something to ook up to? We need to get water, sewer and heavier power out there for them to develop anything.

    Again, that's right. Develop anything and you are against it.

  8. The proposed Sen. Abruzzo amendment about which, Lynn, you recently informed us on your blog granting economically disadvantaged cities a total of 25 million annually toward road repair will be a way to repair our roads without burdening LW citizens directly.
    This will allow us to concentrate on funding the most necessary water line replacements and perhaps convince the 37% of citizens who will pay the bill to accept this financial responsibility.

  9. I didn't hear the officials even mention it last night but I might have missed it as I was driving home. Hope they find grants that will work for us.

  10. 36% of the homes should not be paying for the entire City. Assessments and usage fees are a way for all to share in the responsibility

  11. What if I don't use your 2" pipe or drive on your crappy road?

  12. I agree 8:58m lets make this an assessment where everyone pays not Just a certain few.
