Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pam Triolo begging

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  1. Neglected our infrastructure for 50 or 100 years? That is a bunch of crap. God, how can anyone lie like this?

  2. We have been repairing our infrastructure all along. it was cut way back in 2010 because of austerity reasons and never raised back up as I recall.

  3. I don't recall an awful lot of pipes being replaced in the last 10 years, and if all these roads have been being worked on over the years, why do most of them look like patchwork quilts?

  4. What she said was that nothing has been done on the infrastructure for 50 to 100 years. That simply is not the case. Check your past budgets and you will see the truth. You will see that it dropped starting in 2010 and has not been raised since. Thanks.

  5. You didn't answer the question. If all this work has been going on how come nobody's seen it and you're always complaining the city is crumbling and looks like crap? Thanks

  6. Much of infrastructure you do not see--it's under the ground. Check the budgets.

  7. Gee, and who was the city manager when the cuts were made?

    How about looking at what was considered repair of our roads. It was called "micri-surfacing" It was supposed to extend the life of our deteriorating streets about 5 to 8 years. That was 12 years ago.

    It is time to pay for bad decisions made by people who wanted to keep Lake Worth "affordable" (poor). Yesterday's version of "keep Lake Worth low rise" (low rent) Property sure can't appreciate when the roads are falling apart right in front of your house. City cannot collect enough revenue if we don't rebuild (develop).

    Maybe it'll eventually sink in, but I doubt it.

  8. What the mayor was referring to was that many of our roads and underground pipes are rotting away. This takes more than 50 years to happen. All that was done in the past was to fix things here and there but there was never a plan to upgrade the whole city. So now we are faced with a massive mess and that's why she's looking for funds from all sources to bail us out of this mess.

  9. 10:43--NO ONE WANTED TO OR WANTS TO KEEP LAKE WORTH POOR. What a freaking myth being perpetuated by you folks.

  10. The bottom line, the mayor does care and wants the best for our city and she is trying, I think she cares and is a good person. I am glad she went to try to get funding from the federal government, we need all the help we can get here. Thanks Mayor Pam!

  11. Mayor--I sincerely hope that you will produce a Power Point on your trip to Washington. It sounds like an interesting and informative trip that could possibly help our beleaguered city and one that I could support. You have mentioned it briefly a few times now but what about a full presentation? We all would be interested.
