Thursday, March 27, 2014

Homophobia in Africa

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an article that will make you cry

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lynn, it is so sad to read this and to think it is still happening today, but even in the USA there is still so much phobia and hate toward gays, thinking gays are some type of abnormal freaks. Unless you are gay you never really understand the discrimination toward gays, like blacks have dealt with. It is horrible. Gay pride is this week and weekend in Lake Worth, thank God Lake Worth embraces gays and we have quite a few freedoms here, now if we can only get full marriage rights with all benefits, it would be better, would beat having to go up to DC, MD, or NY to marry. FL needs to get on the bandwagon and make things fair for gays in this state too. The Gay pride parade here in LW is always nice, so glad they hold it here. God bless every gay person here on earth. Thanks for sharing that story Lynn, it means you care.
