Thursday, March 27, 2014

Glenn Beck predicts New World Order

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  1. Seven/50, All Aboard Florida (TSA Searches w/out kisses?), Agenda 21 and Andre Duany Comment about coming out of your cars and into stack and pack compact cities is ALL part of the NWO (New World Order). It ain't about freedom but inventory and control. Our Tree Board suggested using TAXPAYER $ to GPS Trees - People ARE NEXT! Have a smart phone?
    You ARE being tracked and paying for said services; "CUSTOMER/Revenue Generator". Wait till we see the NWO strings the Mayor (BEGS 4 in GRANT $) for our Streets! Remember the poke of the stick isn't worth the carrot! Think County Grant and 50 Parking decals for OVER 35K People!

  2. There were about 1,700 decals sold, not "50 Parking decals for OVER 35K People!"
    Think about this...without the County Grant our beach project would cost Lake Worth Taxpayers $5.000.000.

  3. True--however, there were many people who did not want to accept the $5 mil bond. But once again, majority rules. This should have been put to a vote. We could have refurbished the beach with the $3.5 mil we had set aside for that. Whatever happened to that money? No one can say. We spent $5 mil redesigning parking lots and taking out 163 upper level spaces. We eliminated the unlimited parking for decal permit owners and we got into a 30 year commitment with the county that holds the strings.

  4. Good thing the majority accepted the $5 mil. We have a beautiful beach now. Refurbishing our beach with just $3.5 mil would be like putting lipstick on a pig.

  5. there are probably plenty of areas where we could have saved the $1.5 mil. Most of this money, as said, was redesigning parking lots and putting in those bathrooms on the south end of the upper lot instead of refurbishing the bathrooms we already had.

  6. That's why Beck is on the internet

  7. The Glenn Beck Program the third highest rated radio program in America and TheBlaze TV, one of the world’s largest streaming video heard and seen by millions world-wide. He is also the author of several books, including three New York Times Bestseller.
    I think more people use the Internet today than watch TV or read local newspapers. They certainly read blogs opposed to local newspapers. :) Sorry there Bark.
