Thursday, March 27, 2014

Commission misleads public on benefits of Spring Training Stadium

Crane’s pronouncement is part of a master plan of Major League Baseball’s billionaire owners to justify the subsidy for a stadium by promoting a series of misleading information designed to deceive the public and the elected officials into approving the bond debt. It all began with the discredited Economic Impact Analysis foisted on the Florida Legislature and now to the county — the Bonn Report of 2009. Prepared for Major League Baseball by a non-economist, the incomplete data from the misleading report would be like your company counting gross sales without counting overhead. The report promises untold riches and jobs but omits serious economic realities while misapplying multipliers of spending growth. Dozens of independent economists have debunked it.

Read the article  at the Palm Beach Post which really points out the naïveté of elected officials falling into the trap and the big lie that ball fields will contribute to economic growth and employment.  

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