Sunday, March 23, 2014

Handing over our State

There was a reckless decision made in 2011 when our state legislatures gutted 30 years of growth management. They now put politics back into the decision process by allowing city and county governments to handle it all.  They passed measures to restrict the public from challenging controversial development projects in the name of economic development. They dismantled the Department of Community Affairs and along came the Community Development Act signed into law on June 2, 2011.

Now we have a new bill. Aside from it being an overall lousy bill, one of the worst things in HB703 is the first step towards privatizing a public resource (water) by allowing Large landowners who participate in water storage programs to receive 50-year water use permits. They would then be allowed to sell that water to governments and utilities. No wonder the Fanjuls are on a buying spree. Someone should follow the money. This just keeps corrupt planners in business.

HB 703 - Environmental Regulation

General Bill   by Patronis (Republican)
Environmental Regulation: Specifies authority of counties to enforce certain wetlands, springs protection, & stormwater ordinances, regulations, & rules; provides vote requirements for adoption of certain elements of local government comprehensive plans & plan amendments; prohibits local governments from rescinding certain comprehensive plan amendments; authorizes durations & multiple commencement dates for certain consumptive use permits; requires delegated local governments to follow certain criteria & standards for well construction; provides that proof of insurance meets certain mitigation bank permit requirements; requires certain criteria to be incorporated into regional water supply plans; provides conditions under which DEP is required to establish certain greenhouse gas performance standards & repeal & revise certain rules; establishes solid waste landfill closure account within Solid Waste Management Trust Fund.
Effective Date: July 1, 2014
Last Event: Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee on Monday, February 03, 2014 5:58 PM. Next meeting: March 24.

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