Sunday, March 23, 2014

Flags flying at Half-Mast in Lake Worth

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Several people have asked, "Why are the flags in Lake Worth flying at half-mast?"

"The flag is displayed at half mast at federal buildings by order of the President upon the death of a public official. The pertinent section of the Flag Code says, "by order of the President, the flag shall be flown at half-staff upon the death of principal figures of the United States Government and the Governor of a State, territory, or possession, as a mark of respect to their memory. In the event of the death of other officials or foreign dignitaries, the flag is to be displayed at half-staff according to Presidential orders, or in accordance with recognized customs or practices not inconsistent with law.

In the event of the death a present or former official of the government of any State, territory, or possession of the United States, the Governor of that state, territory, or possession may proclaim that the National flag shall be flown at half-staff." Source:  Click here

A local community, a company, a school district, or a federal agency can decide to have all of their flags at half-staff because of the death of an employee, a student, a mayor, or a local police officer.

Definite Half-Staff Dates:
  • Peace Officers Memorial Day, May 15 (half-staff all day)
  • Memorial Day (half-staff until noon), the last Monday in May
  • Patriot Day, September 11 (half-staff all day)
  • National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, December 7 (half-staff all day)

However, no one can tell us why our flags have been flying at half-mast for weeks. A citizen just asked our city manager who was at the steps of city hall and was told, "It's Sunday; I'm not answering any questions."  It was then cleared up by the mayor who said it is because a former Governor of Florida passed away on March 13, Reuben Askew. Now we know.


  1. In mourning because of all the phony politicians at city hall today.

  2. Lynn, as a former member of of the local Democratic club, you didn't know that Covernor Askew had died? He was one of the most popular governors of his era. Flying the flag for 30 days is a sign of respect and a way for the ruling party to extend an olive branch to the minority party in Tallahassee.

  3. Greg--LOL
    Not you too????? Talking down is not cool here.
    Of course I know who Askew is and that he died...just not the flag protocol.

  4. Good post. Thanks for spreading this info Lynn. I never knew exactly how it worked either. What is it with our city manager? Is he a total, royal a**hole, or what? How dare he talk to any resident of this city or anyone else this way.

  5. Bornstein should have just said "I don't know ,but I'll find out for you "!

  6. Lynn,
    First, someone who is only 3 feet tall should never be accused of talking down to anybody. Second, in a court of law, hearsay evidence is in admissible in a court of law. If you didn't hear our city manager make the comment that you credited him as making really shouldn't be quoted as such since it was hearsay. I'm inclined to think that if a CM from the past was to say something like that, some might think it was something said in jest. A little comic relief. ;-).

  7. Hey Greg, what about the "heresy" on what the mayor said? Does that count?

  8. Wait, someone comes and tells you why the flags are at half staff and you mock them?

    Could you not Google this?

    Please be nice to folks who just try to add information!

  9. Greg, big guy, that's nice of you to stand up for Mike. This is not a court of law. Whether said in jest or not, it was said.

  10. I'd bet Michael Bornstein wouldn't have said this to Lynn or a TV reporter...Oh, wait...didn't he say something really crappy on live TV about the poor guy in a wheelchair who can't use the sidewalk outside his house because the city won't repair it? Yep. I believe Lynn's source! Our city manager is an a**.

  11. No, no, no, no. He's a pirate who sucks up to the commission.

  12. Has anyone ever gotten the City Manager to answer a question? He really seems to enjoy ignoring those of us who pay his salary.
