Sunday, March 23, 2014

Homeless on a Lake Worth bench

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Instead of our commission worrying about "shiny objects" and the destruction of John Prince Park for the benefit of greed,  what about getting down to basics? What about eliminating and helping the homeless population that seems to love to hang out and is encouraged to come to  Lake Worth. What about the panhandlers bothering people in our downtown? The crime?

Taken last night in front of Callaro's
No one should have to live like this in America
and the rest of us should not have to put up with
the city looking like Skid Row.


  1. The churches need to stop feeding them. Feeding them is not helping them. It's keeping them on the streets.

  2. I am going to agree as well, there are several churches that feed the homeless in our fine city. Those feedings create problems in our downtown and in our neighborhoods, especially in close proximity to these churches. Sadly, there are very few shelters for these folks and especially for the single men.
