Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rhum Shak took a Whack

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Kevin came back to Lake Worth to open his Rhum Shak...different location but he was happy to be back in our little city. He likes it here.

It takes a lot of money to open a business and it takes a lot of hard work and devotion to have any business be a success.  Kevin did all of that, working long hours--and then the other morning he discovered that his business had been trashed.

In the stealth of morning, someone(s) broke in and spray painted all of his large overhead HD televisions, his fish tank, cut open some of the stools, cut the lines to the draft beer which ran all over the place and stole thousands of dollars from the back room.  There were no security cameras. It took him a day to get the place back into shape and he's again open for business. When I left him today, he was waiting for his insurance agent.

Crime is getting prevalent in our downtown and no one is talking about it.  Kevin hasn't heard a peep from the Chamber of Commerce or even a commissioner about his tribulations but he is getting up-to-date reports from the PBSO that is determined to catch this SOB criminal.

Let's all go in and wish Kevin well and tell him we are madder than hell. While you're there, buy a brew or two.


  1. I am madder than h--- about the condition of this city on many levels. Hey, anybody out there gonna run for office?

  2. Hey, amoroso, instead of flying to a gay thing in Seattle, why don't you tackle the crime here?

  3. This sounds like someone who was out for revenge. A possible inside job?

  4. Given your distaste and disgust for Marijuana, I am shocked that you would endorse something much more harmful, alcohol.

  5. My thoughts too. How many businesses don't have security cameras and there seems o be some rage involved. Still hope they catch the low life.

  6. One is legal; one isn't. In fact, a wine or two is good for your heart doctors say.


  8. this business wont last long--everyone in that location never makes it--plus do you see who hangs there---go take a look

  9. Sounds like a rival establishment. At the very least, an inside job. The ordinary vandal wouldn't know to sever the draft lines.

  10. This is a great new spot and its awful to hear of this crime. We spend more than half of our city budget on PBSO and what to we get?? The first couple of years they did great and now one hardly sees them and they certainly are not out patrolling.
