Thursday, February 13, 2014

Where's Scott?

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Is this where Lake Worth commissioner and Palm Beach County League of Cities president Scott Maxwell was? Is this why he missed the city commission meeting on Tuesday?


Cities to Meet with White House, Congress to Urge Delay in Increase to Flood Insurance Premiums

February 11, 2014
Washington, D.C. - Today the National League of Cities (NLC) will join the Florida League of Cities, Florida Association of Counties and others to hold meetings with White House officials and members of Congress to urge a delay to the implementation of the Biggert-Waters Act to reform the National Flood Insurance Program. While the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly last week to postpone implementation of the act, cities call on the U.S. House and the Administration to pass legislation to prevent rapid increases to flood insurance premiums for millions of Americans.

"America's cities applaud the efforts in Congress to help millions of homeowners facing dramatic increases in their flood insurance premiums," said Clarence Anthony, executive director, National League of Cities. "We look forward to meeting with members of Congress and Administration officials to communicate that more time is needed for FEMA to complete the affordability study mandated by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act. I'm pleased to support the efforts of the Florida League of Cities, Florida Association of Counties and other municipal leagues across the country to make sure this issue is addressed by our federal partners and ensure that our cities' residents have access to affordable flood insurance."

"Federal legislation and decision-making can affect Florida's municipalities just as much, and in some cases even more, than state legislation," said Florida League of Cities President P.C. Wu, councilmember, Pensacola, Fla. "For example, issues regarding the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act and municipal financing have an impact in our cities. That's why the Federal Action Strike Team (FAST) committee was created to help the League to strengthen its federal relations. Working together with league staff and the National League of Cities (NLC) gives Florida's cities a more effective and powerful voice in this new era of Federalism."

The National League of Cities (NLC) is dedicated to helping city leaders build better communities. NLC is a resource and advocate for 19,000 cities, towns and villages, representing more than 218 million Americans.


  1. Right. I'm sure this trip will benefit LW ,,, any commissioners stay in lake worth and solve the problems like the crime? pot holes?

  2. What say you, Scott? All that League business. Have you dropped the ball on LW? I hear your friends love all of you and are happy you had no opponents. I guess they all like the condition of this city after all these years of your being in office and nothing changing. More affordable rentals and poverty? that's right, it was that other commission that did all the funky business that you are trying so desperately to crawl out of.

  3. Supporters of the WCE think all of this is a-ok.

