Thursday, February 13, 2014

Revisionism alive and well in Lake Worth

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I don't suppose it's too much to ask--but can anyone, JUST ANYONE get it right?

On Tuesday night, Loretta Sharpe said that Christopher McVoy ran unopposed in his election ( held on November 6, 2012)...intimating that it was not all that unusual not to have opponents like our present commission.  It just shows the power of someone saying something that is not factual...there are always a percentage of people who will believe it--and this particular "mistake" got picked up in the local newspaper.

McVoy most DEFINITELY ran with an opponent and Mrs. Sharpe was heavily involved in Stafford's campaign--

Commissioner Dist No. 2 - LAKE WORTH(1)
 Vote for 1

Christopher McVoy
57.72% 4,708
Jim Stafford
42.28% 3,448



  1. Chris McVoy attempted to say that the comment was wrong but the mayor went on to something else and ignored him, didn't hear him or just did not pay attention to what he said.

  2. Would you please remember that at the time of that election, to remember that Loretta had Ben very ill, and if you recall she attended the swearing in, in a wheelchair.

  3. Oh no...playing that card? Nothing affects her mind...she remembers what she wants to remember I would say. it wasn't so much her misspeak--She had a memory lapse...made a mistake. We all can do it. But this sort of thing spreads and that is the trouble we have in Lake Worth. There are supposedly smart people who believe anything they hear from the mouths of some, but not necessarily educated on local politics.

  4. I know Mcvoy has too much class to do this, but wouldn't you just love it if he said'LOOK ,$ITCH, I"M TALKING,SHUT THE HELL UP "

  5. He is a gentleman at all times even when these people jerk him around, especially the mayor.

  6. amorosa is right in there with the mayor. I would say that he tops the mayor in rudeness towards mcvoy.

  7. There are times I sit in that chamber and have to restrain myself from going up and strangling him myself. He drones on and on about stuff he knows nothing about. For a guy as smart as he is supposed to be, he really makes some strange comments from the dias.

    He is very polite though.

  8. He usually does not get much chance to speak but when he does, his interests are not self-serving.

  9. mArk Easton should know better.

  10. "Mark Easton should know better".
    Excuse me, I think I just went blind from reading that last comment. Have you been in town longer than two days? Of COURSE Mark does not know better !
