We pay a small fortune on public safety and consequently we are supposed to feel protected. Some people in our city actually do feel secure because PBSO is here, as they constantly remind us that the Sheriff is making great strides. As a reminder, here is the annual crime rates in Lake Worth along with a message from the Sheriff that is supposed to make us all feel safer and that someone cares. What this message does not tell you is--get eyes in the back of your head. Be cognizant of your surroundings. No one is safe--not anymore.
"Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and the Palm Beach County Sheriff ’s Office would like to wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season. During the holidays, you are often busy, excited and distracted, making you vulnerable to theft and other holiday crimes. The following are some tips to help you enjoy the season without incident."
Happy Holidays
Lock all doors and windows.
Turn on lights and a radio or TV to give the appearance that someone is home.
Have your mail and newspapers picked up each day if you are unable or are away.
Park your vehicle in a well lighted area.
Lock your vehicle doors.
Store valuables in the trunk or out of sight of plain view.
Be aware of your surroundings, making note of suspicious persons; report those suspicions to security or law enforcement
Ask for assistance from store security, if available, to escort you to your vehicle
Dress casually and comfortably.
Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.
Always carry your driver’s license or identification card.
Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Use credit cards and/or checks if available.
Don’t overload yourself with packages.
Shop in groups, there is always safety in numbers.
Keep your children close to you.
Teach your child to go to a responsible adult if separated.
Teach your child(ren) his or her name, address and phone number to assist law enforcement if separated.
Accompany your child to the restroom; don’t let them go alone.
Carry a concealed weapon. Learn how to shoot.