Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lake Worth has a big appetite

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City of Lake Worth - Notice of General Election
NOTICE is hereby given that a General Election will be held in the City of Lake Worth, Florida, on Tuesday, March 11, 2014, (with a Run-Off Election on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, if necessary), for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Commissioner from District #1 and Commissioner from District #3, each for a two (2) year term.

Persons seeking election may qualify with the City Clerk from noon, Tuesday, January 28, 2014, until noon, Tuesday, February 11, 2014.

Two years ago Capt. Silva of District 14, the district that covers Lake Worth, was to draft letters to banks that own vacant properties in the city to make them aware that their properties are harboring criminals. How did that go? We still have massive slum and blight that brings crime.

We need people to step up to the plate and run for office.  We can't continue to allow incumbents to run unopposed especially when the condition of our city is growing worse. We have a commission spending money like we have it and conjuring up a long-term debt  (we can't print money like the Feds), and giving away public owned buildings for arts. Some of our employees still work out of trailers and this commission has visions of spending multi-millions of dollars on a new city hall. Their attitude is "there is no time like the present," or one we hear a lot, "We can no longer kick the can down the road."

Some of the things they have proposed (some not voted upon by the commission but silence is acceptance) and are diligently working on now:

Park of Commerce18.15 mil
City Services Complex4.6 mil
City Hall renovation2.6 mil
    (personnel will move to 1000 Lake)
Municipal Auditorium1 mil
    (current city hall)
City Hall annex1 mil
    (convert to historic arts bldg)
North F street1.1 mil
    (conversion to arts bldg)
Facility & land acquisitions5 mil
Vacant/foreclosed property2.5 mil

This is a republic with democracy, not a dictatorship and the people are not serfs. Votes should count and voices must be heard, correct decisions must be made and the people should be allowed to weigh in. Contracts must be understood before execution. Details can't be hidden from the public or covered-up. We can no longer afford Nancy Pelosi moments (we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it). Who is running our city?

“Government is like a baby: an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”
Ronald Reagan


  1. It looks like they are renovating the annex already as workers have been there for days. A historical bldg now given to the CRa? Do we really have some hidden money that they're not tellin us about?

  2. Why is the CRA being given this building? Why wasn't there some big public meeting about this? It's our building. Ours. The people of this city. We should get to decide who it goes to. I'm not happy at all with what I've seen of the CRAs work. The artist lofts are hideous, as are most of the homes they've "rehabbed." They looked better before. At least you could see potential through the peeling paint and grime. Now there's none.

  3. PBSO has done nada when it comes to abandoned homes. We have one, this one is owned by a local investment co. in WPB, so not technically abandoned or bank owned, near our rental property. We have called PBSO about the home multiple times as it was being used for both drugs and prostitution. As an aside, we have reported this property at least 50 times to code both in person and by filling out the forms, etc. There is still no code case on the property. PBSO does not respond, then there was a murder there, PBSO still does not respond. MY husband has boarded up the property several times (on our dime) and what does PBSO do when he calls to ask them to clear the property (he doesn't want to run into a drug dealer when he is boarding up the property) PBSO gives him a hard time about whether he can trespass to board up a property where there was a MURDER. Come on, this is ridiculous. PBSO ignores a property where crime is rampant, leading to a murder, then gives us a hard time when he wants to secure it to reduce crime. Makes no sense.
