Sunday, December 29, 2013

More CRA Art?

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  1. my comment doesn't necessarily have to do with the CRA Art.
    Its just a comment in general.
    If any potential visitor to LW would read your blog for a few days they would have second thoughts about coming here to spend their vacation dollars....Im sure the chamber,mayor and tourist board (dont know if a TB exists)business owners and anyone else involved in promoting LW love to read about the crime, drugs, blight, dysfunctional commissioners and all the other negative issues that plague LW. Why are you trying your best to spotlight all the bad thing about LW....yeah I know you publish fotos of sunsets and dressed up little dogies...but jeeze cant you just give it a rest everyone once in a while. I bet you cant go two days without telling us how much crime there is 3 blocks from your home, or who beat up who....or why code enforcement isn't doing their job or where all the pots holes are. You make it seem like LW is the village of the dammed.
    Like I said, this is just a general comment. I do appreciate the time and effort you put into your work.
    Your not "Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound" But you are seeking "The never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way.".....
    Just lighten up a bit! :)

  2. Lightening up on it will not make it change. It would be nice to focus only on the whimsical...that's another blog. We have so many problems that are being swept under the rug. Truth hurts.

    Get your commissioners to fix it. Even the mayor says we are 2nd to Belle Glade. At least she can see the facts.

  3. All yu have to do is ride down the roads in this town and you can see the crap all around yu anony at 11:15.You think this blog is discouraging people from coming here? What the deterrent for people wanting to come here is all the crap.

  4. The 11:15 reply is absurd. So hiding your head in the sand is the answer for urban blight? The problem lies with the City cutting out the jobs of the drones and giving raises to the privileged few at the top, such as Bornstein and Waters.

  5. While I don't always agree with Lynn, frankly I don't agree with any of her Obama, religion, etc. posts, she has the right to draw attention to problems in this City that continue to be ignored.

    The City Manager won't speak to residents (which I think is wrong), the commission perpetually blames the prior administration for every problem in this City. We spend more than half our budget on crime and PBSO is rarely seen in the City. There are problems with blight, with slum lords, with lack of code enforcement.

    I thank Lynn for taking the time to draw attention to these issues. The only reason the City started to fill in the hundreds of potholes was b/c of Channel 12 piece. It is sad that negative attention seems to work, but I'm for whatever works.

    We do have lots of great things going on in the City, I don't think those need to be publicized.

  6. Did they get raises? I don't recall it ever being mentioned by the commission that they were giving Bornstein a raise...even during his "review" that wasn't really a review but a LUV FEST.

  7. "We do have lots of great things going on in the City, I don't think those need to be publicized. "


    Of course these need to be publicized!! That is what's wrong with you and your followers.

    The idea we should just keep on raggin on everything that is wrong with Lake Worth and somehow that'll make things better is just hogwash.

    I am happy to see above that you suggested that EVERYBODY call in to Code Enforcement when you see things like that you post on here. When I suggested that awhile back, you came down hard on me saying "why should I have to call in?" Answer: You are the one taking the picture and you are the only one who knows the address.

    I agree this is the most negative blog and also wish you'd lighten up. But I also know you can't. The anarchist/progressive/liberal/Democrat side will again run some far lefty types that you will support by actively harranging the business/conservative/pro-development-redevelopment/arts candidates.

    Me thinks you talk from both sides.

  8. Well, you're WRONG again, anonymous. I do not support "lefties" as you call them, anarchists, progressives. I do, however, believe that some of them have the best interest at heart for the city like the heights amendment. Also, the quote you attribute to me--find it so I can see it. I believe at the time we were talking about clean-ups in the neighborhoods. Everyone needs to be responsible for their own property--not me.

    Negative? The correct word here is TRUTHFUL. Why don't you get yourself and your group to stop blaming it on the past and look for the solutions now. It reminds me of Obama blaming everything on Bush. We have the TEETH in code that Maxwell go do it. Until that is done, we will never climb out of this abyss.

  9. 1:48 are you happy with the state of the city,,,Happy with those in power who haven't done a thing in over 2 years,,,You want them to continue to be little cheerleaders up there on the dais? Is that it,,,You complain about everyone having low property values and then you complain when someone brings attention to it. What are you doing to change it? going out on NA cleanups with your rubber gloves? Geez.

  10. Thanks anonymous above.
    I wanted to say one more thing--Anonymous at 1:48 saying "that's what's wrong with you and your followers" like that is about the biggest put-down ever.

    I have lots of people who read my blog from every walk of life to every political persuasion. Even you it seems. So let's not try and put down conservative readers here or my beliefs by telling us there is something "wrong' with us. We simply see things through regular colored glasses. Sometimes there are people who disagree but find something that resonates with them.

  11. If you don't bring attention to something, how do you get people to fix it? 1:48 instead of criticizing, you should stop being such an anarchist or one who loves slum and blight and property value to be low and get rid of the crap.
