Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lake Worth Neighborhood Association featured

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(Chip) Guthrie, Lake Worth businessman, member of the Lake Worth CRA and his neighborhood association president said about his association (SOSA):  "The group is voluntary and membership is only $20 — the association was formed in 1963 to thwart possible development, which residents felt might ruin their unique neighborhood.

Read the rest of what Chip had to say by clicking here.


  1. OMG Most of these people want development everywhere else just not in their neighborhood.

  2. This is a wonderful neighborhood with some beautiful houses. This is another neighborhood that maintains its properties that are rising in value again.

  3. What they did not want is more high rise condos in a single family neighborhood..

  4. Who in the heck does?

  5. Anon at 2:41- I'll tell you who did-a lot of EX lake Worth City Commissioners and EX Lake Worth City staff, that's who !!!! LOL Katie Mcgiveron
