Monday, November 18, 2013

No such thing as a Free Lunch

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Not only are there free lunches for those who take advantage of America's socialistic policies but there is a free lunch for Amtrak employees and passengers.

“The Amtrak Inspector General has confirmed that Amtrak cooked the books to cover up food service losses that now approach $1 billion,” Florida Republican John Mica, the Government Operations Subcommittee’s chairman, reportedly said of the spending by the passenger railroad.

According to Bloomberg, "The Washington DC based railroad, which has never made money, gets 12 percent of its operating budget and most capital and debt-service funding from U.S. appropriations funneled through the Transportation Department. Some are scheduled to be paid quarterly while others are reimbursements."

Amtrak has announced the launch of three microsites targeting specific segments of the population:, and  How much is this all going to cost?  A bundle.

Obama loves spending your money on trains--

The Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that $1.55 billion in new federal tax dollars will be allocated for the first-ever Hawaiian Transit Rail system on the island of Oahu, which will serve downtown Honolulu, at a total federal and state cost of $5.1 billion.


  1. How do you lose 1 billion in food service?

  2. Talk about over processed! Who cooked your profile pic? Not a good photoshop job at look.

  3. LOL--blame it on Anna Maria who took the photo Saturday night. Sorry you have to be so's just a plain old photo unlike the PBPost and Lona O'Connor who did not use a filter and went for the worst thing they could take. :) It's not a good Photoshop because it is not photo-shopped. Sorry to burst your bubble. Go pick on your dog.

  4. Isn't it that other blogger who likes trains? All little kids like trains. Your photo is very nice. Even if it were touched up, so what?
