Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lake Worth Cemetery

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This cemetery has been called a lot of things recently, but honorable isn't one of them.  With the help of CBS 12, residents got the cemetery cleaned up, but now they're fighting for a fence around this sacred place where veterans are buried.

Read more... and see Mark Parrilla interviewed about our cemetery by Channel 12 News.


  1. If there is a fence, it has to be tall enough so that the Haitians can't get in to leave their chicken bone rituals around everywhere. And sturdy enough so that the local residents can't get their dogs in to poop everywhere.

  2. Mark, get a job. Stop coming up with these special projects that no one but you are interested. I have been in the Neighborhood for several years, and this is the first time I have ever heard of Anyone wanting a fence. And please stop constantly asking everyone to donate for something you want.

  3. I have already met with our Mayor and she is very excited about the project. I have appointments with Alcee Hastings, Bill Nelson, Commissioner Priscilla Taylor, Commissioner Shelley Vanna, three local restaurant owners are on board so far, two of the local fencing companies are coming out to give estimates and both are willing to donate a portion of the materials and labor, and much more to come. That is only the tip of the iceberg, instead of drowning in hatoraide why don't you get out and do something for your community. I have a petition that already has a majority approval of many residents within the Genesis Neighborhood Boundaries. It is something WE the community want not just me. I am not even a Veteran but I do know that ALL of us should demand the respect they deserve even if they are 6ft under. Why don't you worry about doing what you do best at Flashdance. This project WILL become a reality inspite of you insipid comments. God bless you! The Veterans I have spoke to are THRILLED about the idea.

    Fencingly yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla
    Genesis Neighborhood Association, Inc.

    P.S. I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for me to comply with your ridiculous suggestion because blue doesn't go well with your wardrobe!

  4. By the way with the money my Nana left me I really don't have to worry about a job right now I prefer expending my energy and efforts to improving the quality of life in the Genesis Neighborhood since nobody else has. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  5. Also, if you think that any comments you make will discourage my passion for our community you don't know me that well or you are missing a few french fries in your happy meal or as I suspect BOTH! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  6. Mark, not only as proud veteran, but as citizen and a friend, I applaud your efforts. Your interest is not limited by the boundaries of your neighborhood, I personally know of many occasions in which you reached and touched many lives... keep on doing what you do best... don't let a rectal orifices discourage your enthusiasm and perseverance.

  7. Actually a fence was brought up at a city commission meeting. I don't want people running across our cemetery and trashing it. I would love to see signs posted forbidding the desecration of our cemetery and some sort of penalty enforced. I would love to see parents take an active role in their kids lives. We have so many parks in our city.

    If it weren't for Mark bringing awareness to the deplorable conditions of our cemetery and a few activists there, it would still be in the mess it once was. Thanks, Mark.

  8. I think a fence is a good idea, but the community should be welcomed into the cemetery. There are lots of communities that are utilizing or pairing park activities within the confines of cemetery space. http://www.shreveporttimes.com/article/20131024/LIVING/310240030/ I think it can be a good idea, in that often times, a cemetery may be the only green space in a community.

  9. This city commission has some sort of desire to make our cemetery some sort of events area. BS to that. Can any place be solemn?

  10. There is no way on God green earth that a park would be incorporated into a Veterans Cemetery! The community will be welcomed during normal operating hours of the cemetery. The community IS NOT WELCOME to hang out their all night, drink, smoking and doing other illegal activity over the grave sites of our Veterans and also civilians who are buried there. After the fence project is completed Genesis will begin seeking out an ideal location for a park. I have already discussed the possibilities of a park for our children in Genesis Neighborhood with our Public Services Director Jamie Brown and our Mayor. Actually she was the one who suggested it to me when we did a walk through the Genesis Neighborhood right after she was elected.

    Fencingly yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla
    Genesis Neighborhood Association, Inc.
