Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Governor Rick Scott - Accomplishments

The "Skinny" on Governor Rick Scott:
  • Cut taxes 5 times
  • Created 370,000 jobs
  • Unemployment down to 7%
  • Budget surplus in 2014
  • Proposes $500 million cuts in taxes and fees
  • Grew the economy
  • Eliminated more than 2,600 regulations
  • Marketing our State and attracting business
  • Paid down the State debt by $3.6 billion
  • $1.5 billion in reserves
  • Pay raises for teachers
  • Rejected over $2 billion in federal funding for a high speed rail project from Tampa to Orlando. Estimated at the time, The Tampa Orlando high-speed rail line would have cost $3 billion more if its cost per mile equals the fast speed rail in California comps. All of these additional costs would have been the responsibility of Florida taxpayers and would raise their bill to nearly $3.3 billion.

Read more on Rick Scott Accomplishments

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