Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Allen West proud to be called an Islamophobe

"Recently the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) bestowed upon me a great honor, they listed me in the top ten of individuals and organizations they fear.

CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing case in America, the Holy Land Foundation trial. It is basically a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Also, it seems CAIR has a history of meeting with Iranian leadership, the largest state sponsor of Islamic terrorism, during the annual UN General Assembly. I have yet to hear or see CAIR on any TV, radio, or newspaper op-ed pages explaining the recent vicious attacks by Muslims against Christians in Pakistan and against innocent shoppers in Nairobi.

To be forced to recite a koranic verse or die is simply barbaric. To conduct a targeted attack against Christians departing from church services is savage, not just in Pakistan, but in Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, and all across countries with Muslim governance (or lack of it).

If saying so makes me an 'Islamophobe' so be it. It just confirms that CAIR, and their ilk, fear those who will relentlessly confront them with the truth.

Lastly, to those who have the "COEXIST" bumper stickers on their vehicles, read Solomon's Proverb 17:28…you may may want to scrape it off."

~ Allen West 

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