Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Huge settlement rejected by judge in Collier County

A Judge in Collier County rejected a $92 million settlement between landowners and the Commissioners. She said that the Bert J. Harris Act doesn’t include resolving the claim’s potential financial exposure against the county in the public interest test. She also found that the settlement amounted to illegal contract zoning and that she couldn’t find that the agreement complies with the Endangered Species Act. This is a lawsuit that has been ongoing since 2008, dragged on by landowners wanting their way.

The Florida Wildlife Federation and Collier Audubon Society, which teamed up to fight the settlement, also have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of panthers and woodpeckers, seeking to stop development on the Hussey ranch,

At least there is a judge who understands contract zoning and the Bert J. Harris Act.

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