Friday, August 30, 2013

Quotes of the Day - Rubio, Cruz, Paul & West

“My advice is to either lay out a comprehensive plan using all of the tools at our disposal that stands a reasonable chance of allowing the moderate opposition to remove Assad and replace him with a stable secular government or, at this point, simply focus our resources on helping our allies in the region protect themselves from the threat they and we will increasingly face from an unstable Syria.”
~Marco Rubio

"The United States Armed Forces doesn't exist to be a policeman for the world."
~Ted Cruz

"Syria has no clear national security connection to the United States."
~Rand Paul 

Obama’s grand strategy in the Middle East seems to be how many countries he can destabilize: Libya, Egypt, and now Syria? In each case he has removed not so good guys, but has enabled Islamic terrorists and totalitarians to gain power. Therefore, not only has Obama sought to 'fundamentally transform' America but also the Middle East. He is becoming the best buddy of the Muslim Brotherhood and jihadists and a nightmare for our true buddy, Israel.”
~ Allen West

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