Friday, August 30, 2013

More vicious Black on White

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A couple’s early-morning walk in the world famous French Quarter of New Orleans turned into a nightmare when they were beaten savagely by three black attackers in a horrifying scene that was caught on camera.

Then it got worse: The responding police officer decided it wasn’t worth filing a report.


Haven't heard a peep from Al, Jessee or Oprah.


  1. vicious, beaten savagely, nightmare, horrifying, you forgot to use thugs.
    The time on the videotapes clearly say 19:15:49 which is military time for 7:15 pm not am, so your claim they are going for an early morning walk is inaccurate.
    The altercation takes 2 seconds hardly enough time for a "savage" beating. There is a car driving down the street directly behind the altercation. Looks like 3 black teenagers knocked over a couple of white tourists. A crime? Absolutely but hardly the bloodthirsty "mob" you and the author describe.
    This shows why you are obtuse. You take an inflammatory video off of a racist anti Obama website and post it to your own hateful blog without examining or questioning any of it. Then you include Sharpton, Jackson and Oprah's names. Why? Racebaiting/hating.
    Barbara Jean is right you are one sick person.

  2. this was reported by CBS that way.

    On Saturday, a couple walking through the French Quarter was severely beaten in what appears to be yet another act of violence, motivated by racism.

    Around 6 a.m., the couple was approached by three young black men near the intersection of Iberville and Dauphine Streets. The suspects quickly surrounded the couple and without warning, physically assaulted both of them, according to police.

  4. You took the time to analyze it, anonymous? You know, sometimes it only takes one/half second to kill someone. Let's hope it never happens to you. You Obama lovers are so enraptured that you can't see.

  5. I am not an Obama Worshiper! But the fear mongering has to stop! On all sides.

    Re: the Examiner article cited above, since when have 3 people been considered a mob?

    I might take the WMD article more seriously except for the 3 links to Colin Flaherty's book "White Girl Bleed A Lot". The book is about the mainstream media's cover up of a huge surge in Black group violence against whites.

    WND just happens to sell the book.

  6. A mob? What constitutes a Mob anony at 11:03? More than two? The article said three black attackers. You embellished the article, made up falsehoods and then attacked Lynn, and every other news outlet that reported on it. Sorry you can't come to grips with black thugs. To make a statement supposedly made by Barbarajean, a person who loves everyone, good, bad or ugly, is reprehensible of you. You are on evil bitch.

  7. Dear 11:03, Unless describing a serious physical malady I cannot imagine myself using those words. It is not my place to judge or speak harshly against any person, least of all Lynn, a close and very dear friend. If anything, we just need to be kind to one another. So to all of Lynn’s readers, join me in overlooking 11:03’s flawed comment. From the heart, I send prayers and blessings to you 11:03. Barbara Jean

  8. Hey 11:03..Go Back to YOUR OWN BLOG. You are NOT wanted here.
