Friday, August 16, 2013

Obama rebukes Egypt but still gives them $1.3 billion in aid

Republicans overwhelmingly united with Democrats on Wednesday to continue funding aid to Egypt, despite U.S. law requiring a suspension of aid to countries that undergo a military coup.

“While President Obama ‘condemns the violence in Egypt’, his Administration continues to send billions of taxpayer dollars to help pay for it. The law is very clear when a coup d’état takes place, foreign aid must stop, regardless of the circumstances. With more than 500 dead and thousands more injured this week alone, chaos only continues to grow in Egypt. So Mr. President, stop skirting the issue, follow the law, and cancel all foreign aid to Egypt," said Sen Rand Paul.”

In a 86-13 vote, the Senate moved to table an amendment by Sen. Rand Paul that would've redirected $1.3 billion in aid to bridge construction and repair in the United States and suspend further aid to Egypt until the country holds elections.

Read more... at The Cable.

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