Friday, August 16, 2013

Insertion made into our Charter on Heights indicating our Charter Amendment is null and void

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Was the insertion printed below, that was placed in our Charter, an appropriate act? There is no basis of actual fact that our Charter Amendment is null and void based on HB537.  The city's legal opinion was based on a desired outcome of the city commission.

Sec. 11. Building height limitation. East of Dixie highway within the city no building or part thereof shall be constructed which exceeds a vertical height of sixty-five (65) feet above grade. West of Dixie Highway within the City no building or part thereof shall be constructed which exceeds a vertical height of one Hundred (100) feet above grade. (Ord. No 96-32, § 1, 12-5-96) Editor’s Note—On March 12, 2013, a referendum was passed Approving an amendment to The charter, as set forth in City ordinance 2012-39, which added further building height Restrictions. Effective June 5, 2013, the Florida legislature enacted amendments to section 163.3167(8), Florida Statutes, which nullified the referendum and voided the charter amendment. 

This has not been confirmed by a Court. It has not been recognized or made effective by a court. No one has proved that HB537 applies to our Charter Amendment. NO ONE. Can the city just insert language into our Charter, our city's Constitution, that may not be legal and that is being challenged by the people?


  1. simple answer, the commission did what was best for the cities future. plane and simple the city needs an economic upturn. your group has not put forth any plan, so your groups complaints were not listened to. so, if you have no solution, you have no problem, plane and simple.

  2. The commission does not have the right to ignore the vote. PLAIN and simple.

    How do you feel that growing the downtown higher will be an "upturn" for the city? Please explain that.

    Why do you think that citizens need a "plan" to turn our economy around?


  3. 1. the state gave the city the green light and they took it and did the right thing. 2. you would have got what you wanted if you had conceded the hotel disrict, actually no one i know wants a tall downtown. 3. the city needs tourism, which means outside dollars to survive. we are at the end of our reserves. right or wrong the city thinks two six story hotels would create revenue streams. thats a plan. when asked about a plan you have said thats the cities job, so they did it.

  4. This vote was NOT About a hotel district. It was about the ENTIRE DOWNTOWN.

    The city has had 100 years to build hotels. It has had since 1996 to build to 65 feet. Where does your argument go from here?

    It is NEVER RIGHT to go around the vote. I can't believe that you don't live in North Korea.

  5. Hey City Clerk, you got some 'splanin to do!!!!!
    Really, who in the hell do these people think that they are? They have some nerve ,ignoring the majority of voters in Lake Worth. The Commission could have done the decent, REPRESENTATIVE thing and honored the wishes of the majority by putting 45 feet in the LDR's. They just are not decent people. They are corrupt people with a corrupt ,hidden agenda.
    Good luck when they ask all of us to -GIVE THEM OUR OH SO IMPORTANT VOTES! NOT !!!!

  6. 1. i disagree. your group could have negotiated the downtown off limits before a vote ever took place. the city has had such fractured leadership since 1996 that made courting hotels not possible. for the future of the city the right decision was made.

  7. Oh man, where do you come up with this stuff?

  8. Tell your stink to the 56 percent of people who said they wanted only four stories. This is not a dictatorship in this town even if this crap commission thinks so.

  9. We don't want any more tall buildings. We were clear about it--much more clear than the city attorney's opinion on this null and void business. Certainly much more clear than 4 people on the dais spitting on the vote. What is so difficult to understand about that? A vote counts in this country and A CHARTER change is our right whether Lake Worth city commissioners want to be smart azzes about it and quash the vote. You guys need to be recalled.

  10. 56% of less than 5,000 people who voted. There are approximately 38,000 residents. What math are you using anonymous?!?! Guys get over it save your sour grapes for a nice glass of relaxing wine you are going to need it when the Gulfstream rises again. Pun intended!

    Bring on the hotel district. This outcome could not have been better poetic justice. We you guys originally won you weren't exactly humble, disrupting our first Veteran's day parade with signs to thumb your noses at the outcome of the vote. Well if you can dish it out you should always be ready to take it!

    This city is FINALLY moving forward inspite of a very small group who does not want to see that happen. Emphasis on very small.

    Tall buildingly yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla

    Elections Are decided by those who show up at the polls. Please might have missed this one. You and your No people had every opportunity to "educate" the voters. YOU LOST. Now tyranny has taken the place of democratic elections.

  12. mark is a little confused--again. Lake Worth's Hero is not a hero to the 56 per cent who won this election.

  13. One of the posters brought up a great point. If you legal eagle know it alls had compromised just a little bit your collective heads wouldn't be exploding right now. But I'm sure that after 10 years of successful lying you assumed your lies would work again and you wouldn't need to compromise.
    Ain't karma a bitch?

  14. Yes, it really is a shame that this commission went against the agreement at the Tri-Meeting and decided they wanted 65 feet in our downtown. There was NO compromise with them. Kicked the P&Z out and then they all voted for 65 feet in the LDR's...NO COMPROMISE, They never bothered with their own original agreement or what over half the voters wanted in this city's downtown with most all wanting a low-rise because your signs were all lies. Now you have the possibility of more Lucernes that NO one wanted in the first place other than those on the Friends of the Gulfstream--a big lying political tactic. We just can't get rid of this group inflicting their will after 10 years of trouncing on the people...many of the same people behind the very bad economical decisions of the past and of course, not to mention Greater Bay and paying off their blackmail.
