Friday, August 16, 2013

Crime in Lake Worth

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Two more in the western communities--

BURGLARY - RESIDENCE-- 13108790-- 1500 BLOCK CREST DR-- 8/15/2013 11:51:00 AM

 BURGLARY - RESIDENCE-- 13108963--1300 BLOCK COCHRAN DR--8/15/2013, 6:22PM


  1. crime in lake worth... the title is misleading since the crimes are in the county, not the city. what exactly is your purpose?

  2. Unincorporated starts at the 1400 block or thereabouts for Crest. Cochran the 1300 block is LW... It is in my neck of the woods. That was the purpose. Sorry if you were mislead. It doesn't take much. We have plenty of crimes right in the heart of the city.

  3. i still do not understand the purpose of your post. it seems to be a criticism of law enforcement.

  4. How do you figure that, anonymous It is just mentioning crime near where I live. I mention crime all of the time. If I have any criticism, it is that of the criminal, the low-lives who commit their acts against fellow citizens, wanting something for nothing or does not belong to them. PREYING CREEPS. You are reading something into this that is just not there.

  5. You don't have to explain anything Lynn. There are just a lot of dull people in this town and they all will fall on the sword for PBSO.
