Friday, July 26, 2013

Bozos, get on the bus! - Lake Worth downtown heights

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Have you gotten on the bus yet? These are a few of the photos in the latest Code Analysis of February 2013. If you notice, they resemble the graphics suggested by former commissioner, Suzanne Mulvehill, on how our downtown could look with taller buildings and who has been torn to shreds for this that or the next thing and for similar graphics she showed prior to the height petition process.

Do these photos look familiar? Similar? 
Oh, and don't forget--the NO people lost this vote.

The negative NO are only involving themselves in reading depositions that were taken several years after the flim flam man was kicked off our beach for non-performance.  Honing in on depositions and denigrating former commissioners is to justify, in some sick and perverse way, why this commission paid Willard (Greater Bay) $1.6  million bucks. They want to blame everything on former commissioners--slum, blight, crime and illegals and every crazy law suit imaginable. There is no justification for settling with a scam artist but there are some in our city who "get off" on it and who continue to give a distorted message of fact.


  1. The People of this City are to blame for the Blight, and or slums, and yes it was this commission that paid Greater Bay the settlement, But other than the lawsuits that are being contemplated by Katie, and Laurel, How many lawsuits, have been filed against this Commission?

  2. You guys just continue to MAKE UP STUFF! Now you suggest that Katie is contemplating a law suit? This city will NEVER be able to get along as long as you spread rumors like you just did and try to besmirch citizens. If anyone is filing or not filing a lawsuit, you will hear about it in good time.

  3. Katie is not a follow thru type. She complained but did not lift a finger when the call went out to help the pool. She is so angry when addressing the commission her message is incoherent. You called her a fun lovin girl. That, I can assure you, got quite a few laughs downtown.

  4. Well again, this is just character assassination. She volunteers for a lot of VP of her NA, is chair of Save our Neighborhood, is a working mother. In fact, she was on vacation and just returned to LW. It is a wonder she has enough time in the day to do all that she does for her neighborhood, her family, etc. I suppose you are just worried that she might be running for District 1? Is that why all the BS is starting? Stand-up people who speak the truth is just not part of your repertoire.

  5. now you're not allowed to have an opinion about anything? everyone is supposed to lay back and be cool and never interfere with or have an opinion on anything that differs from this elite group in love with their own voices. is that it? By the way, I am sure that Katie likes you even if you did post anonymously to ridicule her. Knowing KATIE, she is sympathizing about how pathetic you must be and feeling sorry for your sorry azz.

  6. Come on now. Are you sure these are not Suzanne's drawings/ They sure look like them.

  7. At least us "Bozo's" can go to the "other" blog to see them side by side. Then you can differentiate between them.

    I guess "Bozo's" isn't name calling eh?

  8. That was an album in 1971 or so. Guess you are too young to remember that one just like you guys have selective memory period. :)

  9. "Whoever" can draw all the pretty pictures they want, but the reality is "No one" is going to do that kind of development in Lake Worth. We have been trying to sell development property in LW for years and everyone up and down this coast say the same thing. The property values are so low in LW, you could never make your investment back. A wish in one hand and a prayer in the other will never get that built!

  10. I am just glad that this city will be given the opportunity to have a Hotel District and create new jobs. People need to stop twisting the facts, oh I forgot that is a hobby for so many who don't have a life in this city. The CRA only gets a percentage of the taxes. I have lived here for a little over a decade and everytime my children come visiti with my grandchildren they stay at hotels in west palm or Delray Beach because God knows we don't have family friendly reasonable hotels in Lake Worth. Sabal Palm house is way too expensive. I look forward to having my family close by when they come to visit. I say fast track the hotel district.

  11. The ONLY reason this is happening is that the commission usurped the voters. You think this is ok, Sue? Why not 4 story hotels, Sue? I say listen to the voters or soon this country will be under a dictatorship--its' quickly getting there anyway. We have a hotel right over the bridge. Why can't your family stay there? Too expensive also? Well then, we have Motel 6 or something on Federal.

  12. Sue, my gal, what sort of life do you have? Sounds like you are a senior citizen with tons of grandchildren. Don't you have an extra bedroom or two for guests? What gives, Sue? What a life you must lead all wrapped around grandchildren b ut no room for them. Boooooring. When you're not entertaining them, you come on blogs and insult people and insult their vote? Are you sure you're not from North Korea or some place that is not a democracy? Try china where you only can have one kid. then you wouldn't have to worry about 2 more stories for a hotel that will never be built anyway. Who in their right mind would want to come to lake Worth where your vote doesn't mean anything?
