Friday, July 26, 2013

Palm Beach County schools on a Decline?

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It's always something that is considered "unfair" by school administrators as to why our kids are getting more air headed.

Read about it.


  1. "School grades have taken on such importance that they can affect property values in neighborhoods that feed into a certain school. A good grade means more money flowing into the school — up to $100 per student for A-rated schools or schools that improve a letter grade. A bad grade means the school is put in a remedial program and monitored."

    Please remember this when you cite slum and blight and how "everyone else" isn't doing anything about it.

    Because of Lake Worth's demographic, which is more caused by coincidence and our own history espousing the efficiency of small lots that were "given" away to people buying larger tracts out west years ago.

    But also as other communities bulldoze their own slums embracing new development and re-development, Lake Worth becomes the last resort for "low rent" mentality. The "let's keep it cheap" group say they are "for" development.... this until you propose any.

    I'll use Delray as an example because it was very close to Lake Worth in size and demographics but took two different tracts in their development.

    Now, Delray is prosperous and growing. I believe it is because they wholeheartedly embraced development. What they did to their downtown caught on in the surrounding areas.

    Luckily for Lake Worth, all the anti development people from there, came here and vowed to keep Lake Worth from becoming another Delray Beach. Too crowded they say.

    New stores opening and remodeling there..... her they struggle to stay open because we don't "crowds" downtown but lament the empty storefronts.

    Barton Elementary is one such school that dropped a letter grade. Who wants to live or move into an area that has a failing school?

    So couple that with the anti development bent of many here (not you Lynn, you repeat how pro-development you are as it is short)and who do we attract?

    You might say that we attract these people because the $23.2 million dollars of Obama Money went to "affordable housing". (It was the only housing HUD would allow the money to be spent on).

    But the new homes built are pretty much the nicest homes on the block they are located. It is the slum around that needs to be torn down.

    Thia all comes back to our schools. We as a community, whether we like the huge number of undocumented democrats or not, have to pitch in to upgrade our schools. Barton Elementary should be number one on our list.

  2. But also as other communities bulldoze their own slums embracing new development and re-development, Lake Worth becomes the last resort for "low rent" mentality. The "let's keep it cheap" group say they are "for" development.... this until you propose any.

    I went ahead and posted your comment above even though you had the last referenced sentence that is totally UNTRUE. The really sad thing here is that I think you believe that statement. Instead of acting on emotions, let's start PROVING what you say. It is so wrong that honestly there are no words for it and it is easier to just throw up your hands! Nothing I can say will ever change your very narrowly focused belief in the other political half of this city (and I am NOT talking about a couple of socialists) who simply don't accept your point of is too out there.
