Friday, July 26, 2013

Taunt by the Kavasutra?

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I received the following comment on my blog last night at 10:55pm.  The Kavasutra is an establishment in downtown Lake Worth. In the past, we have blogged about one of the owner's, Dylan Harrison, who will be sentenced next month in criminal court.  I have no idea whether the comment is factual or not and will leave it up to you--

kavasutra kavabar has left a new comment on your post "Tonight's sky":

Today, kavasutra was victorious in a civil rights lawsuit against PBSO. The agency was ordered to pay a hefty settlement. Let freedom ring!!! The funds will be used to file many more federal suits against pbso.


  1. Isn't he a convicted felon? For crying out loud. Why do we allow these nut cases in this city?

  2. so far no pbso is aware--this guy dylan harrison is like aaron hernendez the football player who murdered someone and shot another--harrison and his criminal buddies had many weapons--harrison was carrying a weapon without a permit--why to protect him and his illegal business--harrisons iq has to be very low--his steroid use and herion use must have eaten his brain--maybe he will be compared to aaron hernendez the football player---you can remove someone from a trailer trash life,but you cant take the deep rooted trash this guy is--look what he is doing to his family--i also heard something about a poster he had in his kava bar--two people came forward as a witness one does postcards in lake worth---another lawsuit i guess

  3. harrison has no life now and the feds will be watching every move his family and friends make--more names were given to the feds to watch and license plate numbers

  4. Can't find any evidence of a civil rights suit by Harrison, or partners filed against PBSO. This too is probably another blatant in your face lie and as bogus as he is. Let's hope this guy gets sent away for a long time with a big fine and gets the heck out of dodge.

  5. Ask andy amorosa, he will know. Aren't they friends or something? Ask him about his campaign contributions from a convicted criminal with a downtown business.

  6. Lynn,

    You could have simply called PBSO District #14 Office like I did and confirm that this far fetched false allegation has as much veracity as Sarah Palin's comment about seeing Russia from her backyard as her claim to being well versed on foreign policy! There is no truth to this statment and shame on you for promoting it. Anyone who reads your blog should be well aware how you feel about PBSO. This post was beneath even you.

    Have a great weekend all,
    Sue Collins

  7. Well Sue, how do you do? Are you a boy named Sue?

    Looky here--I did contact PBSO--never got a reply. I contacted several entities although this is not my job. I am not an investigative reporter. It was blogged in the form of a question and even stated that. So, I left it up to you and you came through for us, "Sue." My hero.

    Who did you talk to?

    P.S. I am not AGAINST the PBSO. I question the cost of services and the results. So let's not jump to conclusions here.

  8. What Palin said was that you could see Russia from Alaska. That is true statement. Check it out since you are so good at that sort of stuff, anony @8:15

  9. The Kavasutra made a comment that they wanted posted so what's your problem, Sue? I believe that most people, if given a choice, would prefer not to have a convicted felon operating a business in our downtown. Is that a safe assumption?

    I understand that the PBSO is watching them.

    We prefer that all people of this ilk be exposed for who they are whether on a comment or right on the front page. they should know better than to taunt on this blog. They don't mind sticking it to you every day of the week. Turn around is fair play.

  10. Shame on you, Mrs. Sanctimonious. You are obviously one of those people who must have a pat on the back for deeds well done. Well ok then, you get one. Let's get a report on the entire conversation with who now? you forgot to tell us that one.

  11. Sue, your posts did not get posted because of the insulting nature of them and/or they contained opinions full of lies. This is not a political forum for you. You are not coming over here and insulting this blogger. If you don't agree with me, do it nicely or stay off this blog.
