Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Smooth Line of Bologna

Since becoming president, Obama’s questionable character has shown itself repeatedly: his “green-energy” program, which looks like a means to repay rich, fat-cat donors, his “fast-and-furious” gun scandal, which apparently entailed illegally selling US guns to Mexican drug dealers so they’d use the guns to kill people and create anti-gun fervor in the US; his continual, and very public, practice of encouraging supporters to aggressively attack those opposing him, so they’d do exactly what his supporters embedded within the IRS have done.

Like a common bully, he publicly jeers at and insults his opposition, and his supporters love every word of it. They support him for who and what he is; because he divides rather than unites Americans; because he seeks to publicly humiliate half the US population; because he plays dirty; because he talks a smooth line of bologna.
Read more... on Obama's travesty of leadership.

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