Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mess of the Week revisited

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It just gets worse. Now these people are having a weekend yard sale with furniture and crap all over the place. The side of the house has cars on the lawn and mattresses for sale. The absolute worse part of this, besides the fact that those living in this house are chronic violators, is--


Yesterday the Vice President of this Neighborhood Association stopped and asked them about a permit. "What permit?" they asked. They were told about it but what the heck, right? This is what happens when our rules are not snowballs to the point of no return. What used to be a wonderful neighborhood is getting more and more blighted and the City does NOTHING.


  1. mAybe someone can clean it up and make it a vacation rental, by the of course.

  2. sorry, I meant to say by the night

  3. This is nothing new, we see this all the time on the ABC Streets between 10th and 6th Ave, our city is a huge yard sale, never see permits signs and every weekend they have yard sales, there is no law or order, anything goes, the blight and lawlessness is the problem our city leaders cannot get a handle on or don't want to.

  4. The city needs to enforce its laws and codes, for vacation rentals, for blight, for yard sales, etc. The city only seems interested in enforcing its rules if you are already on their radar screen, meaning you've already paid a business license or rental license, then they call you up and want to inspect your rental every time the utilities change, and not pursuant to the code which provides for inspections every two years. The city is too busy out inspecting my rental, properly licensed, utilities in the name of my renter, and properly insepcted, but the city likes to waste its resources inspecting my property every six months so they don't have enough code officers to do actual code work.
