Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kavasutra downtown Lake Worth

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Never having been a business that particularly pays attention to our laws, and a business that loves to throw it all up in our face, the Kavasutra created an impassable walkway last night. When you tried to stroll by it was an obstacle course and those blocking the sidewalk stared like we were the ogres for bothering them.

These owners, one of whom is Dylan Harrison who will be sentenced soon to prison time for his admitted distribution of an illegal substance as well as manufacturing and selling a misbranded drug, have been made aware of our ordinance on many occasions. Why is this allowed to continue?


  1. Half the city breaks our laws so what makes him so special?

  2. When we had our own police department, they would enforce our ordinances, especially on weekends. Now that we don't have our own police, the sheriff doesn't and is not involved. It is all up to code enforcement-they don't work on weekends nor do they clamp down on this sort of infraction or at least it certainly seems that way. Not even a commissioner who walks by will say a word. Strange, that.

  3. Dave's, Brogues, Rustico, Havana Hideout, maybe others all break this law a lot too I have noticed, it is hard to pass many of these businesses. The city needs to address this for most of the businesses on Lake and Lucerne. We have incompetent leaders and elected officials, this city manager and his staff stink, they do not do enough to make this city better, they accept mediocrity. Our city looks like hell, so blighted, so many over grown and uncared for properties, and they never do anything and say they cannot do anything, Amoroso and all of them need to go, we need better elected officials that can clean up this city and stop having excuses.

  4. Tax payer and citizenMay 19, 2013 at 10:57 AM

    The PBSO is not much better than the LW Police, they are not present enough in the bad areas of the city where they need to have more presence. they hangout or hideout in areas where they can just relax and sit in their cars avoiding problems until something serious happens. We need a stronger presences of the PBSO doing more, stopping the drug dealers, addressing prostitution, stopping all this public drunkenness and drinking on the streets, the loitering behind businesses and quick stops, the police here need to do more, walk the streets, enforce laws, make cars stop at stop signs, the PBSO could make a lot of money for the city if they only enforced the no right on red at the corner of Lucerne and Dixie, so many turn right on red there although the sign says not right on red. It is sad that our own law enforcement is not enforcing many laws or even present to prevent a lot that happens. All these recent break-ins are very alarming. PBSO need to do more for what we pay them as tax payers!

  5. this is a very simple example why our city never improves---they cant even regulate the simple things--same old same old just another day in this city---the manager of the city lives in the lucerne --he see this everyday why doesnt he do his job and put a stop to it

  6. andy your right in our downtown --why dont you speak up --still recieving money from dylan harrison?

  7. we are still waiting for the tax evasion charges for dylan harrison---lake worths and americas lowest iq

  8. It's a national tragedy. Today, people sitting on the sidewalks, tomorrow the end of society as we know it.

  9. 12:16--your sarcasm is noted and just part of the problem?

  10. Lynn, in your opinion should we get rid of PBSO I only post this because you did not post before when I asked about GANGS.................

  11. In my OPINION, we should be getting a bigger bang for the buck. We already paid for many of these PBSO services when we had our own police department. I didn't post your comment because it would be ridiculous to assume that ANYONE would want the gangs to reappear and re-establish themselves here. It was the Feds on RICO charges that put them out of business--for the time being.

  12. What's with amoroso anyway? Why doesn't he walk those 50 feet and tell the guy to stop blocking the damn sidewalk? Tell them to knock off the lousy music and smoke while he's at it.

  13. andy wont tell anyone anything he is a true coward and needs to be watched very close which he is

  14. You seemed to hit on something so many of us are now seeing in Andy, he does nothing now, he never has answers and says he can't do what you ask of him. He has become a huge disappointment for our city as a lame leader. I won't vote for him again. It seems so many now have lost all respect for him as our comm and leader, he has caved and cannot be trusted to do the work we need done here in Lake Worth, we deserve better, the city as a whole deserves better. I won't vote for him ever again nor shop in his high priced store.

    "andy wont tell anyone anything he is a true coward and needs to be watched very close which he is"

  15. You're so hard on Andy! Yes, he's a coward. Anyone who knows him personally is aware of that. But c'mon . . . he started the hugely successful SIDEWALK SALE every Saturday! All the junk you never wanted to buy in the store is now blocking your way as you try to move down the sidewalk. If he can just get a parking garage in the middle of downtown, he will be complete and we can sit back and watch our property values sky rocket.
    This guy thinks BIG!

  16. andy and lake worth have something in common---no growth
