Saturday, May 25, 2013


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  1. Hi Lynn, This is spectacular! I am such a huge fan of your photographs. You are an amazing photographer. You should consider entering them into an exhibit or even selling them. I bet you would make millions. Keep up the great work and all you do for our city and people. God bless.

  2. Thanks, friend, but I had another reaction once from someone who said they all sucked. :) Not a fan, I guess.

  3. My friend in Miami who loves photography as a hobby is in a photography club there and enters a lot of competitions and learn a lot from being int he club from others, she just sold one of her photographs for quite a bit. If it is an interest of yours, join a photo club, enter exhibitions, I bet you could sell your stuff someday and make millions. You have a real knack for the lighting you use in your photography and the scenes you shoot. I believe in you!

  4. LOL--I plan on staying the amateur that I am but thanks for the nice words.

  5. I could just see it now, you could have so many different exhibits and have such success as you have so many great photographs, you could have themes like, sunrises, sunsets, flowers, cats, dogs, Lake Osborne, FL birds and wild life, peoples looks/reactions, wow so many, you must have millions of photos, you could be the City of Lake Worth's archivist I bet. Oh well, think about it, you are blessed with many great talents. God bless, happy Sunday.
