Saturday, May 25, 2013

Orchid Society of the Palm Beaches

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One of God's beautiful creations

The traditional name is Cattleytonia Why Not and its known as a great little plant. It is compact, standing only about 8-10 inches tall. The flowers are small, only about 2 inches across, but clustered on 6-8” spikes, so they usually stand well above the foliage and are easy to see. Look to Spring and Fall for  blooms. Although there is no fragrance, the bright red colors will knock your socks off.

Someone brought this to the last Orchid Society meeting--spectacular, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. STOP KILLING ORCHIDS !! Come on out to the Mounts bldg. on the second Thursday of the month at 7 P.M. That's when the Orchid Society of The Palm Beaches meets.(O.S.P.B.) You can be our guest for two meetings. Make new friends, enjoy some great refreshments ,and learn how to take care of your orchid babies!
