Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mess of the Week

Comment Up
600 Block of Wright Drive

Our middle class neighborhoods are being destroyed in Lake Worth.


  1. OMG, not nice, so overgrown. Shame on that property owner. Shame on any property owner that contributes to blight in our city. I think the City of Lake Worth needs to make a new ordinance in this city that is stronger more effective and does not allow property owners to have overgrown lots or boarded up buildings, especially BOARDED UP BUILDINGS on major city streets, but everywhere in our city if possible. I despise all these rich slum owners who think it is their right to allow their property to be boarded up, overgrown, attract graffiti and dumping. We need citizens who care and walk around the perimeter of their property daily, picking up liter, weeds, etc. Making sure their property is up to code daily and looking nice. The City of Lake Worth could first address blight by enacting an ordinance that did not allow boarded up buildings on its main streets throughout the city. We need to attack this blight and the people who cause it, like pesticides attack insects, we just need to make sure we use a good pesticide company that can do the job effectively. Fight blight, care about Lake Worth!

  2. Disgusting. I have one similar right next door to me. I would bet anything that there is one or more on every street in the city. How many streets to we have?

  3. I 100% agree with Peggy, great idea. an ordinance in this city that does not allow any boarded up buildings on main streets in our city like Lake, Lucerne, Dixie, Federal, 6th S and 10th N, is a start. Super idea to fight blight! Lynn, I love your little logo below your photos here, love the "say no to boarded up buildings logo," ingenious. Peggy, I heard the best insecticide company in Lake Worth is Nozzle Nolen, I love them, especially their mascot that cute little elephant. Yes we can, si se puede, fight all this blight and these slum owners who cause it. NO more blight!

  4. Sure let's just leave all the abandoned homes unsecured so the drug dealers and prostitutes can set up shop. Do your research, there isn't a municipality in the US that has an ordinance that prohibits boarding up abandoned or burned down properties that are being neglected and/or in disrepair. There is no law to fix the greed and total disregard of slumlords.

    Footnote: I have used both Hulett and Nozzle Nolen and Hulett is not only much better than Nozzle Nolen in service but Hulett is also much better in giving back to the Lake Worth community. When we assisted the Grandmother of Lake Worth her home needed to be treated for termites that had already caused damage to her home. I reached out to several exterminating companies, Nozzle Nolen included, HULETT WAS THE ONLY ONE who stepped to the plate and committed to donating free tenting to this woman in her 80's. All the others turned me down. I know I won't ever use another! JUST CALL HULETT! Hey Wilbur what has Nozzle Nolen done for our community lately?

    Mark A. Parrilla

  5. Do you think that might have anything to do with the Rice connection? Do you think it has anything to do with you and the P&Z granting their wish on N. Lakeside to build a huge house right next door to a quaint little cottage? Nawwwww, didn't think so. Companies and corporations have set budgets and some have money for charity. It takes some cojones to ask for money.

    I agree with you that abandoned properties must be boarded. When we have owners who live right here paying taxes on them, they should do more than what they can get away with by our loose code enforcement.

  6. It sure is a mess. And Mark and Lynn are right-we do have to secure abandoned structures. It's frustrating when people like Greg Rice and his property get a pass. If you or I owned the property on Lucerne, we would have lost it long ago to code fines. It's sad when the first thing that I thought when I saw this picture was" well at least there's no blue tarp on the roof, cars and motorcycles parked on the lawn and a couple of boats and R.V.s out front"! We have all been conditioned to just accept these things as a fact of life here in Lake Worth. Many of us who read this blog don't accept that. And many of us are trying to make life here in this place better. We love Lake Worth and get frustrated by people who don't care .In my neighborhood , we are trying to know our neighbors and have a connection with them. Our first action is to try to see how we can help our residents with whatever situation might be going on. If that falls on deaf ears, then we move into contacting the city. The process needs to be fixed. Hopefully it will be better some day. Keep fighting everybody. Lake Worth is worth it.

  7. Yes, I agree we need to board up residential properties that owners cannot afford to do themselves or are a real problem, but not for slum owners or buildings that were businesses or owned by businesses, especially if it is someone who just neglects their property, a boarded up building in any part of this city creates blight, none of us, or most of us do not want that. So yea, if needed board up residential, but let the rich owners do their own or instead be forced to make their properties look nicer without boards.

    I have never used Hulett, probably never will since the spokesman for them owns one of those boarded up and blighted properties in this city and I do not agree with this, as you said in your post above, "There is no law to fix the greed and total disregard of slumlords." I just won't use a company that has a person of this integrity running it.

    Say no to boarded up buildings in Lake Worth and so NO TO BLIGHT!

  8. I've used Nozzle Nolen for 30 years. Good company.

  9. Lynn, for the few hundred bucks you pay in property taxes, you sure do alot of complaining.Never a solution.

  10. The same person who is obsessed about what I pay in taxes--can you get another argument why I shouldn't pay exactly what I am taxed and supposed to pay? I keep up my property--do you? Why should I come up with a solution -- Am I an elected official? But I have said this before-- If everyone got outside and cleaned up their property, pruned the overgrown bushes, kept it mowed and their house painted, LW would look a hell of a lot better. Where do you live? I want to check it out.

  11. So true, I agree, it is not fair that people like him get a pass, it is wrong and needs to stop and shame on this person. I can he think people can respect him when he is not respecting ALL of us our city, not himself. It is wrong. I hope this is a very strong message now for this person to be RESPONSIBLE.

    " It's frustrating when people like Greg Rice and his property get a pass. If you or I owned the property on Lucerne, we would have lost it long ago to code fines."
