Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mess of the Week in Lake Worth

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Another property in the 500 block of Wright Drive

There are so many violations on this one street, I can't move on to another. And as one owner breaks a code rule, another follows and it is snowballing to the point of no return.

The owner has attempted to camouflage this code violation but he is still in violation. Not only is the RV on the front lawn (two violations right there), it is not parked behind the house. His garbage cans are stored on his driveway and are unsightly. This has been going on for over one year.

And just like the boat and trailers that were featured last week, the same ordinance applies to RV's: they may be stored temporarily in residential districts but they must be stored to the rear of the front building line and visually buffered by a wood privacy fence, masonry wall, trees or shrubs at a 6 foot height.


  1. you are right. this is a mess and you see it all over the city. unkept lawns, visible garbage cans, boats, junked cars and if you can believe it, bedding. i am in no way connected with any realtors or developers. makes one wonder why we are so against a couple 6 story hotels and 50 to 100 vacation rentals that would bring in tax dollars to hire more code e. this could monitor the mess. compromise brings solutions. but hey we are lake worth and know so much that not much gets done.

  2. Give it up. And to turn around the words of the editor of the local news, if you don't like it, MOVE. His words. Developers can build FOUR STORY buildings.

  3. Our Ordinances do not allow vacation rentals for less than 60 days. Why is that some people just want to change everything to the detriment of our city? As this blog implies, you allow one person to get away with breaking code, more follow until it gets to the point in the city that the entire damn town is one big rental all located next door to where we live. Now why do you think that is great? hint-it isn't. maybe you are not connected with the developer crowd here but you sure have no respect for this city. It is a mess and what you want to do with more rentals is make it worse.

  4. We need to get all of these properties in compliance. Having more rentals won't do it. Building higher in our downtown won't accomplish that anony at 1:16.

  5. jack, i guess your idea of respect is blight and slums. 2:12 your one of those what we need crowd you never have any solutions. you 2 sound like the big group that pays little to no taxes.

  6. Oh, the same old stuff. Just because you might pay more in ad valorem does not make you a better person or a more valued human being. It doesn't make you cleaner. It doesn't mean that you take care of your property better. It doesn't mean that you are more honest, that you are more ethical. All it means is that your property is valued a little higher. Tell it to your slum landlord friends of yours.

  7. Lack of leadership, courage, sophistication, cooperation, citizen respect, knowledge are the characteristics of Kuntzman (bldg. dept) and Diaz (code enf.). Cavalier, EGO oriented rather than solutions oriented, results oriented or problem solvers. Both were fired in their prior jobs and now they are in LW, of course. My colleague sent a brief to the State Attorney last week regarding a situation that will undoubtedly cost LW a bunch, a few employees their jobs and it could have been solved with cooperation.
