Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mark Foley Sued

Comment Up

Mark Foley ripped me off says Shino Bay Aguilera--


  1. ripped his clothes off maybe

  2. mark foley and his ex boyfriend were sex addicts and was seen in gay book stores---

  3. there relationship was a fraud itself

  4. I realize that Foley is a public figure but I would ask you to refrain from personal attacks. Thanks.

  5. To the cyber creep who just came over here--tell your tale of woe to the PB Post. I am only repeating what they originally reported. Take it where the sun don't shine. Thanks.

  6. I notice where you used your complete name on your comment. Who is the coward? Who is the REAL PHONY? IT is OBVIOUS.

    It is easy to come over here and attack me. Why not get a better hobby. Next, read the policy.


  7. People need to grow the hell up already more than half of you people that are attacking Foley have done much worse than messaging on the internet. Get over it he's living his life while retards like you still practically obsess over him. He made a mistake whipty dooh everyone has done something they wish they haven't done. He's human just like everyone else he's not in office any more what else do you people want. But there are always just going to be hateful people like a lot of you leaving vulger comments. Forgive but never forget. Live and let live.
