Friday, May 24, 2013

Charter change was Will of the People

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The local newspaper took such delight in telling us that the Charter Amendment is in the hands of the Governor and the entire heights election might just have been a waste of time. This is the problem with newspapers today.  Because they are partisan, people have less and less faith in what they write or even in their opinion. The other thing, the politicos in this city are bathing in their own dribble believing that the will of the people should mean nada, excepting, of course, when it comes to them.

Some of the height advocates are drooling at the mouth. They have convinced William Waters and City Attorney Glen Torcivia that the Charter change that was won by 55.86% of the voters this past March under the worst of conditions by the opponents, might now be moot because of HB 537 which prohibits initiative or referendum processes for any development order, local comprehensive plan amendment, or map amendment. At least they are all hoping, and they are counting on the Governor  deciding it all when he signs into law HB 537. HOWEVER, the Charter Amendment is outside the scope of the first part of F.S. 163.3167.

That was NOT what our election was about. It was a CHARTER CHANGE and in order to change the Charter, it must be by vote of the electorate. The Charter is the bible or Constitution of the city, not the comprehensive plan or a map that can be changed by a political vote from the dais. The Charter already addressed heights. That is why Respectful Planning PAC was formed and took the issue to the voters. Their vote was decided on March 12, 2013 and it is supreme.

By law, it is the duty of the city to uphold the results of this election.

The facts of the matter are:
  • It was NOT an initiative or referendum for any development order
  • It was NOT an initiative or referendum for any local comprehensive plan
  • It was NOT an initiative or referendum for any map amendment.
  • It WAS an initiative or referendum to amend our Charter.
The statute goes on to say "However, any local government charter provision that was in effect as of June 1, 2011, for an initiative or referendum process in regard to development orders or in regard to local comprehensive plan amendments or map amendments may be retained and implemented."

Florida Statutes mandate referendum when 10% of the registered voters sign a petition for it. When the referendum is successful, the Charter must be changed according to the expressed will of the people.

So, now we have just another stall and delay on moving our Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment forward.  How many years has it been now?  City Attorney Torcivia will take two months to figure out an angle to make his bosses happy and all the rest of the little consortium who hang around city hall day in and day out who just continue to nag them. The commissioners are livid that they lost this one to the people, people they represent by the way, who won the election to keep our downtown low-rise. This outcome and Charter change needs to be sent to Tallahassee. 

So you might just as well stop drooling or chomping at the bit for awhile. The people will have legal counsel if needed so that the will of the people is not subverted.  :)_  The saddest part of this is that the Commission learned nothing from this election--they still don't honor the people they serve and want to beat them down.


  1. YE, YES, YES. right on. I am so fed up. We need people to run for office.

  2. Now they are attempting to pull some sort of crap on the citizens? Man, what next will they come up with? another illegal banner on the
    Gulfstream? The Herald should sell that rag or start hanging out with anyone who has a different opinion. It would be a meaningful experience.

  3. this city is corrupt run by a bunch of squawkers

  4. If it will just shut up that white haired lady Lorena something who runs her mouth all of the time I would be happy. When employees in the city see her coming they cringe.

  5. "No experiment can be more interesting than that we are now trying, and which we trust will end in establishing the fact, that man may be governed by reason and truth. Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all the avenues to truth. The most effectual hitherto found, is the freedom of the press. It is, therefore, the first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their actions."

    --Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Tyler, 1804

  6. About the Florida Statutes, one good thing about being right is you remain right. It is what it is, right! Trust in the law.

  7. Thank you for explaining this Lynn.

  8. When the March 12th election indicated that the people wanted to change their Charter, it became the duty of the Mayor and Commissioners to effect the Charter amendment the citizens had voted for. They have neglected to do so.
    The Mayor and Commissioners are derelict in their duty by refusing to change the Charter to reflect the expressed will of the electorate.

  9. Absolutely! Listen to the people elected ones. If you don't come next March, you will all be voted out, learn from your predecessors(Romano, Golden, Burns, Bo Allen, etc), they all lost because they didn't listen to us, they let the power go to their heads thinking they know best, when you are elected, you represent and need to do the will of the people in this city, not your will. I foresee many not being re-elected because of this, Pam, Andy, Scott, please listen to the people when they speak to you, email, your, meet with you, do the will of the people if you want to be successful. You are in a service position, serving others, serving their will. LISTEN and HEED!!!!!!

    "anonymous said...
    When the March 12th election indicated that the people wanted to change their Charter, it became the duty of the Mayor and Commissioners to effect the Charter amendment the citizens had voted for. They have neglected to do so.
    The Mayor and Commissioners are derelict in their duty by refusing to change the Charter to reflect the expressed will of the electorate.

    May 24, 2013 at 11:48 PM"

  10. This is a well-written piece, which clears up any uncertainty & doubts, fueled by the Commission majority, about the outcome of the Low Rise Referendum.
