Thursday, May 23, 2013

We used to reach for the Stars - We were the greatest!

One persons' perspective

Remember the Moon landing in 1969?  What a proud day that was for all Americans. We all really knew that America was the greatest country on Earth and no country could ever surpass us in anything.  Since then, we have managed to accumulate over $17 trillion in debt.  We have taken on all the ills of the world. We have poverty in this country but send money all over the globe on behalf of "democracy." We shouldn't have one poverty stricken person in this country. We allow corporations to offshore manufacturing plants, customer service along with hundreds of thousands of jobs and our own college graduates can't find a job in their chosen field. We build schools in Pakistan on borrowed money and can't fund our own schools right here in America.

Today, we are constantly at each others' throats, Democrats and Republicans alike, with administrative scandals galore. We can't protect our men in foreign countries or even those at U.S. embassies. No one agrees on anything. We are about to pass immigration reform that will flood our country with illegals and more debt and less jobs for our own citizens. We have never been able to secure our borders.  Why not?  We have some crazy need to be "politically correct" instead of making the right decisions. Our public and private debt is unsustainable but the government wants to grow it more.  We have a government that allows a department to spy on other Americans. And we constantly are lied to.

All it takes is the will to be number one again and do the right thing.

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