Friday, May 24, 2013

Bornstein attends management conference

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With a total of 508 members, the FCCMA is committed to:
  • Supporting and promoting the council-manager plan as the form of local government that advances the highest ethical and professional standards
  • Providing education, support, information and regulation to its members
  • Fostering community awareness of the critical issues of governance
  • Maintaining linkages to the ICMA and other state and national organizations.
City Manager, Michael Bornstein will be attending the annual conference from May 22nd through May 25th being held at the Hilton, Orlando. He will be returning to the office on May 28th.


  1. Why would he have to attend a management seminar when he just got high marks from this commission. Spending all that money. On the other hand, maybe it's a good idea. He could learn to move the commission in the right directions instead of wasting time.

  2. I hope he learns something at the conference, like listening to citizens, responding to their emails, learning to manage the city better and get it cleaned up.

  3. Maybe he'll run into fired city manager Susan Stanton and he can get tips on how NOT to manage a city.

  4. Pretty nice gig for the Memorial day weekend. He and the little women get to live it up on our dime. My family and I can't even afford to go to lake Worth Beach for the day !This Commission and their friends sure do go places.
