Saturday, April 20, 2013

Quote of the Day - Allen West

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“Let me be very clear. The terrorist attack in Boston and evolving events indicate we have a domestic radical Islamic terror problem in America. No more excuses. No more apologies. We are in a war of ideological wills and we shall prevail.”

~ Allen West

We are not going to prevail with this present administration and its lack of homeland security... its lack of border protection and newly devised pathway to citizenship. We let every Tom, Dick and Harry cross into our country. It seems that we are way too trusting of a nation in this cruel and evil world in which we live. This government needs to do more to protect its citizens and to protect us from them. Are any of us safe anymore?


  1. We are going to prevail. There are more of "us", people who love liberty and freedom, than there are of "them".

    As a people we run to help, as opposed to running away as :they did".

    We are strong, Boston is strong and our first responders and law enforcement agencies are strong.

    Let us not use this to further our positions, let us use this as a lesson that evil and cowardice never wins.

    Our system gives the bad guys an opportunity to strike against us. But it also allows us to bring them to justice.

    God Bless the People who risk their lives to keep us safe and help us in our hour of need.

    And God Bless Boston!

  2. Lynn,

    You you speak out against Lantana putting up "borders" yet you want the entire United States be a gated community!

    What's the difference?

  3. Go blow some smoke somewhere else.
    No wonder this country is in so much trouble.
